
No Longer a Noob
Jun 25, 2011
Just outta curiosity, how buggy are yall games? I've had a lot of minor bugs during cutscene dialogues, and I just had one that set me back 3 hours, so I was wondering if you guys discovered any severe glitches or anything.


The Knight of Zero
Jun 2, 2009
Glitches in Dragon age are random and never consistent. Sometimes it just freezes or glitches and other times will not. Usually it is just that the game is so big that certain minor things are missed in debugging and a few random bugs happen randomly. but so far my ps3 game has done fine.


Nov 26, 2014
Well, you're lucky sir. I can't even get my copy to get past the first loading screen. I have waited over 5 minutes for the game to load up, yet I'm still stuck at the green sky and vapor screen. For the record, I checked to see if all my other games were working, which they were. It was only with DA: Inquisition that I can't seem to play.


No Longer a Noob
Jun 25, 2011
hey, you guys heard about the party banter bug? it's funny, I'm 90% sure I'm suffering from it, because I noticed my party rarely talks anymore.


May 19, 2013
Multiple bugs in my first play through. Some minor, like NPCs/resources spawning in walls or underground. Some rather big and annoying, like having to reset option and key mapping every time you load up the game. Also had this weird hiccup where I did not get the "continue" option on the main menu. I had to go to load game every time. Experienced a oddball problem where the game would lock up every 30 minutes or so, but only when online and logged into the Dragon Age servers. Seriously, I tested it by running the game for 4 days offline, not one freeze, logged back into servers and crashed before the rerun of Archer I was watching finished.

After I broke it down a bit. Deleted all save files, reinstalled DLC and patches, a lot of it got cleared up. Still got the minor bugs, like spawning and animation, but most of the big ones fixed themselves.

Now, if they would patch in a few changes to game design, not bugs but screwed up features. Things like tactical camera basically not working around environment/being blocked by small hills or trees, no storage capabilities (seriously, every DA game has a storage chest, why not in the biggest DA game to date?), anything/everything to make horse-riding less headache inducing, to name a few...


Almost Not a Noob
Apr 27, 2012
when talking to someone they don't say anything to you they just look at you. Don't know if its a Glitche or a bug.
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No Longer a Noob
Oct 9, 2001
Only bug I've had is the Exalted Plains region bug... Seems like there's no 21st region. Lots of people have been hit by it. Which sucks for someone like me, who's trying to get 100%.
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Embrace eternity.
Mar 26, 2006
Had a Dorian bug where his companion quest just wouldn't initiate. Also, there's a quest to collect a bunch of books around Skyhold that glitched out me. There are certain books you can highlight but can't press X on, preventing you from completing the quest.

I've had the framerate drop to a crawl during a couple of dragon fights also.

Other than that, I've had nothing bad. All in all, it's pretty lucky that that's all I've experienced in my 90+ hour playthrough.


No Longer a Noob
Oct 9, 2001
I'm actually a bit worried... I have a new system coming with dual GTX 980s... Right now I'm using a single AMD Radeon 7870. I'm hoping the change to Nvidia doesn't screw with anything.

It will be nice to play the game in 4k on my tv, though. Current video card can't handle it and frame rate dies if I try to play it in 4k. Not unplayable, but annoying.


Just Some Guy
Jul 6, 2008
Depths of Obscurity
Sometimes you get kinda cold so you build a fire, but then you get too warm. Solution: Build the fire IN a river and then temperature is JUST right. That's not a bug, that ingenious. That's a old times hot tub. [face_mischief]


No Longer a Noob
Aug 4, 2005
I've also had the game randomly quit and bring me back to the dashboard. Luckily so far it's happened right after an auto-save so I haven't lost any progress.


Oct 23, 2014
Mt. Vroom
Not really a bug, but on PS3 it's really tough reading any text. It's small and muddy looking. My daughter and I are both experiencing the same issue and we're both using HDMI, I'm on a 46 wide screen and she's on a brand new 32 flat screen. She used to complain on her old TV about reading text, especially Skyrim, but her new one made a huge difference, actually looks better than mine now.

Any word if any future patches may resolve this issue?


Almost Not a Noob
Jun 26, 2013
Bunch of little stuff here and there, but nothing game breaking.. Almost reminds me of when Unity launched.

Pop in, floating objects, can't switch characters, comrades not spawning in Skyhold/Haven, a weird dialogue glitch where you get stuck with no wheel, party members not sticking to the commands given, bah blah blah. The most I usually have to do to fix things is a quick save&load.


Jan 26, 2015
I have had issues with the times for war table missions. Since I don't have my xbox connected to the internet due to router issues my xbox wont keep accurate time when I shut it off. the date reverts back and it says its November 2005. Normally the missions I can get through by changing the clock, but now I may have to start completely over AGAIN since I was messing with the router trying to connect to the internet. I am currently 120 hrs into the game. I had 3 missions currently going when I shut it off last night and when I just turned it on I checked the times for mission completion and almost threw up. 80488:80:00 until mission completion. 3353.7 days. I set my xbox to the year 2025, the highest it would go and thank goodness it fixed itself the 3 missions are done and I wont start anymore until I shut it off and the time resets.
Feb 26, 2012
Some slightly annoying but consistent sound affects glitches happen to me with some sounds not coming in immediately after loading an area. This also includes combat related sounds not coming in when I get into combat for the first time after loading an area.

But the one that annoys me the most is the game crashing every time I try to go to Vicinius' house in Val Royeaux for the quest "Under Her Skin". Anyone happen to know if today's patch was supposed to fix that?

Edit: Happy to report that I was able to load Vicinius' house. Just did it with my mage character but the issue always happened with my warrior characters.
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Apr 22, 2015
I encountered tons of bugs on my first playthrough but rarely find any now. I've been told a lot of them are due to caching issues, so if you do a hard reset on your system (at least for playing on X1) it fixes a lot of the problems.

My favorite is when my inquisitor bends her arms at a 90 degree angle and makes a swimming motion during a dramatic conversation.


Dec 8, 2010
The only one I noticed is Skyhold throne room not loading right after traversing through interiors


Prime Member
Jan 21, 2002
Only bug I've had is the Exalted Plains region bug... Seems like there's no 21st region. Lots of people have been hit by it. Which sucks for someone like me, who's trying to get 100%.

I had that as well, fortunately it seems to have been fixed since the last time I played a few months back and it unlocked once quick traveling to the Dalish camp.

Otherwise, I still can't get Solas' first quest completed, I get back to Skyhold and talk to him but receive no credit and it's removed completely from my log... I have another bug in The Western Approach that is similar, The landmark at the Ritual Tower is the last one I need, but each time I have grabbed it I do not get credit for doing so and it is removed from my collections list as well.

I am so close to the end of the game now, I may just skip those until later in the meantime.
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