
Oct 2, 2005

i am NOT going to try Honor, i am satisfied with beating it on Tactician. my next playthough i am doing a Durge, and will do Custom settings, mainly to change to 1 save file to prevent myself from save scumming


By Jove I think you're on to something!
Oct 2, 2005
are tactician and honor ways of not saying expert and nightmare osemthin?


Oct 2, 2005
Explorer --> Balanced --> Tactician --> Honor

Honor mode is basically Tactician difficulty but with a few twists; bosses have Legendary abilities, you only get 1 save file, and the game ENDS if your party gets wiped


By Jove I think you're on to something!
Oct 2, 2005
I think the last time I tried paying games on the hardest difficulty was back when ME2 was brand new and I was trying to get all of the achievements. I succeeded and realized in the process I find little joy in that kind of struggle. Usually the standard setting is fine, sometimes I need expert to feel challenged enough.


Super Star
Oct 2, 2005
I’m doing Tactician now with a Durge Fire Acuity Sorcerer. I’ve cheesed two boss fights so far. I triggered the Grymforge fight with an arrow then shot him from the stairs for 20 minutes. I also stacked all of the rune powder barrels around the Gith Inquisitor and shot him with a fire arrow.


No Longer a Noob
Mar 22, 2023

I do bow. I started a Tactician level and I said: You are not ready Padawan.

You have to work for it I willdiscuss some finer points in Spoiler
There is no better side quest than bringing Nere's head to the Myclonids; I quit when I could not beat the spiders in the well in act 1. I think I can steal enough supplies for the double rest volume. Did you do the House of Hope--How was that?


Ramones Biggest Fan
Oct 1, 2005
I'm playing my first playthrough finally (started a couple times but life was too busy) in a multiplayer save with a couple friends. I picked Durge and they have no idea, there have definitely been a couple moments of confusion for them


Oct 2, 2005
i 'skipped' House of Hope. the way the run went, i had killed Lae'zel WAY early when she tried to gut me in camp. consequently, i didnt give a shit about the Githyanki or freeing Orpheus from his prison in the prism, so i was not super interested in getting the hammer. it ended up working great for how my run was going, i will do additional spoiler and say what happened as i was going to the final battle with the brain. major story spoilers for Karlach, and in general i guess

i had personally done additional parasites in my brain along the way, and gave some out to Wyll and Astarion here and there, but i did NOT accept the worm from the dream guardian thing that would have evolved me into more of a midflayer and unlocked the outer ring of brain powers. Karlach had no additional parasites

when you go to fight the netherbrain, someone has to turn into a mindflayer to control it. i was not going to, and i had refused that evolution, so i did not know how this whole thing was going to go. here i have Karlach with me, who is dying because of her infernal engine heart; we had worked it out so that she would adventure until her death instead of going back to the hells so she could live. AND SHE OFFERED TO BECOME THE MIND FLAYER!!! i was shocked and pumped at the same time. so she evolves fully and sucks whatever energy Orpheus had out of his brain, and he was dead. it also 'cured' her, and she went on to live her life as a mindflayer

many different things had to happen to come to that point. best game ever

my final group was:

Tav - 11 Cleric War, 1 Fighter
Karlach - 9 Barbarian Wild Magic, 3 Fighter Champion
Jaheira - 12 Druid Circle of the Moon
Gale - 12 Wizard Divination


Super Star
Oct 2, 2005
I am doing my Durge run as a murder hobo and things have gone as well as could be expected, in ACT II now I have only 3 companions available: Shadowheart, Astarion, and Minthara.

I have Gale's hand in my backpack, as I sliced it off when he reached out of the portal. Lae'zel is a corpse in my camp, courtesy of Shadowheart. Wyll died when I played the Tieflings against the Druids after letting Khaga kill Arabella. As a bonus I had to kill the rest of the Druids because they were pissed at me. Halsin then showed up at my camp for revenge and got gibbed. Karlach, I met after the Grove, and somehow she knew what I had been up to, so I brought her head to the Paladins of Tyr. I also brought Nere's head to Spaw, got the reward, then murdered him for Glut who aggroed me when I looted the corpse. So no more mushroom guys either.


Oct 2, 2005
yeah i am curious how my durge run will go concerning companions. i am going to let things happen, and only have the 1 save, but am hoping i can bring Lae'zel and Astarion at least. i have not yet had a character or companion be a Paladin or a Monk, and those two could fit those classes. could always do hirelings i guess, but i would miss the talking and questlines


Super Star
Oct 2, 2005
10 Swords Bard/ 2 Paladin is amazingly OP. You can turn all of your Bard spell slots into Smites.


Oct 2, 2005
10 Swords Bard/ 2 Paladin is amazingly OP. You can turn all of your Bard spell slots into Smites.
i decided to do an Honor run and that is my Tav. this shit is hard! i have almost wiped multiple times, but am still in it. just hit level 5 and have already cleared the Goblin camp

technically this is my second attempt; i wiped at level 2 on my first attempt on some bullshit:

grabbed Friends, love the advantage on conversation checks. i was talking to Kagha in the Grove, Friendsd her to spare the kid (i am a super good guy hero). apparently Friends is a hostile spell, so when the spell wore off she turned hostile, and her level 5 ass one shotted 3 of my people. i didnt know Friends was the reason though, i thought it was some kind of bug that initiated combat, so i unplugged my PS5, which worked, and i went back and did it all again and got my ass kicked again. i didnt want to cheese with unplugging the system, so i accepted the wipe and started over


Oct 2, 2005
my two closest calls thus far:

Owlbear Cave. i did not recall what happens in there, so after i passed a check i continued on into the cave and that pissed the owlbear off, and it attacked! and in Honor mode, its Legendary action was to SUMMON ANOTHER OWLBEAR. so here i am at level 2 and these two giant owlbears are fucking me up good. all 4 of my guys died at various points, but i was able to rez and escape eventually. long rested with 3 of us, went back in and nuked the add

Goblin Camp. after i freed Halsin i just moseyed on out of the Warg Pens and aggrod almost the entire fucking place, including Minthara, but not Dror Ragzlin thankfully. long fight with a couple deaths but scraped by. Halsin was literally a life saver there


Outpost Ambassador
Aug 3, 2004
vinyl record store.
The dialogue in this game is awful. It's millennial dribble. I refunded after the Druid village, the game play wasn't good enough to carry the annoying side characters/voice acting.


Super Star
Oct 2, 2005
The dialogue in this game is awful. It's millennial dribble. I refunded after the Druid village, the game play wasn't good enough to carry the annoying side characters/voice acting.
Listen here Grandpa, Medevial societies were very well know for their tolerance, compassion, and consent. Only white male devil incel revisionist fascists try to make it into something else.


Outpost Ambassador
Aug 3, 2004
vinyl record store.
Listen here Grandpa, Medevial societies were very well know for their tolerance, compassion, and consent. Only white male devil incel revisionist fascists try to make it into something else.

I can actually handle the forced diversity in most games, it was the story and the voice acting that I tuned out of. Maybe it was like a real DND game which I imagine is cringe too.


Oct 2, 2005
Listen here Grandpa, Medevial societies were very well know for their tolerance, compassion, and consent. Only white male devil incel revisionist fascists try to make it into something else.

Medieval societies didn't have mind-flayers, either. Fuckin' libs.


Oct 2, 2005
Minthara is a goddamned Terminator in Honor Mode.
I failed to mention, I had to drop the ogres or it would have been a wipe for sure. I was happy I could use them again, dropped them to clear the outside and hit level 5

I think I can take the rest of the fights in act 1, except Nere I am going to have to figure something out


No Longer a Noob
Mar 22, 2023
I have a strategy for Nere.
Place the explosive start the fight. Dont detonate until you have cleared. My Gloomstalker high in the Adamantine forge is a great sniper perch. I cant imagine this helps. You are playing at a different level


The Lord's Balls
Nov 1, 2011
I could never get through a whole playthrough. I got advice that I should not min/max when the game first came out, but I can't help it. And the combat becomes so boring after a few hours.


Ramones Biggest Fan
Oct 1, 2005
I could never get through a whole playthrough. I got advice that I should not min/max when the game first came out, but I can't help it. And the combat becomes so boring after a few hours.

I did the same thing. Unfortunately the min max thing feels the best early on when the game is actually difficult. It becomes such a cake walk that I handicapped myself in act 2 and 3 and still waltzed through.

Fantastic game, shit design on difficulty


The Lord's Balls
Nov 1, 2011
my barbarian killed a guy with a box, then i picked up the dead guy and killed another guy with him.

that should be 10/10, but it just got boring.


Oct 2, 2005
BG3 combat is as boring or interesting as you make it. That's the great strength of the combat engine. You can just do the same crap in every encounter and brute force it through min-maxing if you want. Or you can use environmental effects to win most fights without barely having to do normal attacks at all.

You can just ignore all the ways abilities interact and smash things over the head, or you can set up intricate combos that do all sorts of clever things.

You can go through the whole game with the same party specced the same way doing the exact same sequence of attacks in almost every fight, or you can respec and reconfigure your party after literally every fight to completely change the way every character works and how they interact with one another.


No Longer a Noob
Mar 22, 2023
Talk about learning curves. I just faced Shadowhearts nemesis in The House of Grief.
Im still on Balanced mode. None of my crew took any damage and that's a huge brawl.


Oct 2, 2005
my wife and i have played through together a couple of times, should have probably set the difficulty to the easiest for her as she is fucking terrible and just wants to shoot stuff with an arrow every move. fortunately i can carry her on Balanced


Band Camp Champion
Sep 25, 2008
It's a fun game. I never beat it. I got to the end and just kinda got bored.

I tried to start it back up again and couldn't remember all of the keys and said fuck it.