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Mar 28, 2001
Article Comments for [link=]Bayonetta UK Review[/link]
by Martin Robinson

We can't put our finger on when exactly it was we fell in love with Bayonetta – whether it was at the very off, as the game sent us cascading through the stars without a crib sheet, giving a glimpse of the insanity to come, or whether it was with Bayonetta herself, as she performed a libidinous breakdance of death, spitting bullets from her gun-touting heels. Or maybe it was when a loungecore version of Splash Wave complete with battling synths accompanied a fight against horn-wielding angels on the roofs of speeding cars, which soon gave way to an extended on-bike tribute to Super Hang-on.
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Jun 23, 2008
NO WAY 9.6!!! Man I am glad to have preordered it, cant wait to play it now!! thought it would at least get 8.8 but all the info sounds amazing.

Man I had hoped it would be a really awesome game but still wasnt sure. Victory platinum games!! Suck on tht DMC bet u regret losing the original dude now [face_tongue]


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
lol all other reviewers said the ps3 version graphic wise and loading wise, was shocking compared to the 360.
Aug 24, 2004
This is how games should be made from time to time...something new and refreshing. The idea's that have gone into this game will be ripped off to shreds im sure...Nothing has made me this excited since Metroid Prime turned 3d on the Gamecube...whatever you do, don't spend all your Christmas Money off Jan 8th is not to distant!


Almost Not a Noob
Oct 10, 2004
IGN Has always had bad and biased reviews for video games. How can you give a peice of crap - devil may cry wannabe game a 9.6?

I've played the demo of this game and it is good, but it hardly deserves an 8 at most.

This game doesn't even have online multiplayer, so how can this game POSSIBLY recieve a 9.5 in the lasting appeal depeartment??

This is the type of game that people like me play it once, then return it to the store just intime for a full REFUND. When this game comes out, just like all other games like this, i'll complete it and return after 6 hours of gameplay.


Games like Call of Duty: MW2, Fight Night Round 4, Street Fighter 4, Halo Wars, etc all should get a 10.0 for lasting appeal as the online mode makes them games last ATLEAST 10x longer than games like this.

In my honest opinoin, any game in this generation of gaming that lacks multiplayer content should be thrown into a pile of garbage and forgotten forever.

This game deserves no more than an 8.0.

Giving this game a higher score than the games I have mentioned, is a fkin slap in the face.


Jun 2, 2009
this game blows, 9.6? really? wtf IGN.

the character is decent looking but why the hell does her cloths come off mid-combo? to sell, thats all. this game is aimed at horny teens and thats it. doesn't deserve to be up there with the real greats like DMC.


Almost Not a Noob
Oct 10, 2004
I just checked out the review for World of Warcraft for PC on IGN.

They gave WORLD OF WARCRAFT, a MMORPG, a 9.5 for lasting appeal. Identical to the lasting appeal they gave for Bayonetta - LOLOLOL. WTF?

How can you give a game that can literally last 100's of hours longer, the same score for lasting appeal???

I'm going to have to say this again...

How does it make ANY SENSE that this 5 hours rental peice of crap of a game get an almost perfect score?

TBH - IGN reviewers just love their button bashing - boring - repetative - offline single player - no skill involved - LAME KIDDY GAMES WITH SUPER DOOPER GRAPHICS.



Almost Not a Noob
Sep 20, 2008
Well he did state that you don't see the game in all it's glory until you play more than one playthrough, thats the reason it might have gotton a 9.6.

I haven't even played the demo so I can't say much however it does seem like a devil may cry wannabe lol.

They really need to make devil may cry 5 and bring back dante and kill of nero.


No Longer a Noob
Aug 31, 2008
Anyone hating on this game hasn't truly played it. Shut up, and actually play it before you judge it. The reviewers have good reasons and analysis as to why they scored a 9.5 and a 9.6.


Jul 27, 2006

Did you NEVER play a game twice before we played games online? Were you even around before people played online? That's not the only way to make a game last, you know?

Playing back through a game with a better sense of the story and a more natural grasp of the controls is a joy. Do you only watch a film once and then never watch it again?

Seems strange to me. I still go back and play games from previous generations, or games i finished a year ago or so. So will thousands of other people.

I'm not saying you're wrong, it just seems strange to me.


May 26, 2009
I played the demo its good im not doubting that but i just found myself mashing buttons. I feel it shouldve got an 8.5 and not a 9.6 for tits and ass. I think ill save my money for GoW 3. :)
Dec 22, 2009
I won't be buying this game, although it does look cool. It strikes me as yet another Devil May Cry clone that I'll get bored of halfway through. Atfer the admittedly awesome visuals and slick combat start to lose their impact, i believe this will be a game i'll persevere with till the end using the same most damaging combos time after time just to finish it. Also, is it just me who thinks the use of a naked/semi-naked lead female charcter is a little, well, condescending. "Teenage boys will love this" an under sexed video games developer chuckles to himself, Pornography? a girlfriend anyone?
I will on the other hand be buying a game released on the same day, Darksiders it looks truly awesome and as Play Magazine gave it 10/10 its the sensible choice. It looks like the most compelling adventure game since Ocarina of Time, spliced with visceral God of War-esque combat, wonderful gameplay, a superb narrative and brilliant voice acting. That most certainly will be where my money will be going.
That and the fact i refuse to give Sega any money after they destroyed the Sonic franchise, lol.
But i've no doubt that if you love the DMC series, then you'll quite merrily button mash your way till the end of this one, entranced by the swish graphics and a semi-naked lady (tee hee) .
Feb 9, 2008
Judgement of bayonetta aside, this is a game review... and you haven't really told me what I want to know. I know that the combat is fluid. I played the FREE demo, I know most of the things you told me. You didn't tell me about unlockables, how long it is, replayability. You didn't tell me about how good these 'DMC beating' bosses look, how consistent the game's performance is (you in fact fleetingly mention that it's NOT, very helpful...), how long the loading times are. Sigh. You pretty much just told me that 1. it's good on a second play and 2. that it has slowdown issues (you only talk about 360 issues...), the rest I guessed from the demo. So as a review, as an article... I'm sorry, but it's pretty poor. Please concentrate more on what you're doing next time... write a seperate article about how this should be game of the year if you must, reviews are supposed to bring to light the cons we don't know about.
Dec 6, 2009
I can't really trust this review when it has the same lasting appeal score as uncharted 2 when this has online leaderboards and multiple playthroughs and uncharted also has that but a fully functional multiplayer mode...really doesn't make sense


Jul 4, 2008
I bought the japanese import, (which is region free and all in english) and have to say that the game is simply amazing. I own all devil may cry's and GOW's and this game stomps all over them. Put simply, It's one of the most entertaining 15 hours I've spent with a game. Now back to the start to play with auto mode switched off....


Jul 17, 2005
Derity 11: this game is at least 10 hours long, it took me 13 hours to complete on normal. Why does it have the same lasting appeal as WoW? It is in a different genre, where, when you pay attention, most games last around 6 to 8 hours. So getting 13 ony your first playthrough is great. Good luck with your 6 hours :)

sogeking99: really? just because it has a selling point to "young" gamers it doesn't deserve to be up there? PLEASE play the game and then come back and say it does NOT deserve it.

the game is so varied when it comes to playing the chapters, it's not even fair to compare it to other action games with fighting. every time you may start thinking about the game getting boring, it gives you something new, something you want to use, learn and master. and it gets better and better the longer you play.

the ending chapter drags on a little bit too much for my liking.

all in all it deserves the score it got.

but of course, different people, different opinions :)

but if you want to judge it that harshly (imo) then please play through it first, you can always rent it.

May 2, 2008
I tried the demo of this and I just found it way too busy on screen for me to follow, I might give it another crack but it didn't really do it for me.


May 4, 2008
Wow, from going to what looked like an appalling generic DMC rip-off to getting these rave reviews is a real turn-up. I'm really looking forward to it now.


Feb 15, 2008
only decided to play the demo after reading about rave reviews from famitsu or whatever it's called. I'm really really looking forward to this now. New year will be starting strong with this & mass effect 2 looking to be my 1st purchases :).


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 17, 2009
I really, really don't know about this game. I've never really enjoyed Devil May Cry, but if Bayonetta truly is special, then I will probably end up buying it (providing they give the PS3 a patch of course, otherwise it's a definite no no)


Almost Not a Noob
Aug 1, 2007
It's miles ahead of DMC because there's alot more to it than just button mashing... well the options there if you want it. Essentially it's the DMC formulae with a lot of similarities to a beat em up, with the moves you can pull off.

I find the better you are at said game, the more satisfaction you're gonna get. People seem to think this is hours of bashing the punch button followed by the gun attack. Youre playing it wrong
Jul 30, 2009
i've never really been a "cool action simulator" kinda gamer, but this looks suitably badass. Might pick it up. Problem is, that i just button-mash, which isnt the way it's meant to be played apparently. Neve got my head around combos :S


Feb 1, 2009
wasnt sure about this game after the incredibly over generous reviews for the medicore devil may cry4(how it managed to get higher scores than the vastly superior Ninja gaiden2 i"ll never know)but i had more fun in the 5min demo then i did in the whole of DMC and it looks like the dev is back on form,this is what DMC4 should have been


Almost Not a Noob
May 26, 2008
whats so good about this game? it looks a bit boring to me.. the fact that this is supposed to be better then MW2, same as U2, better then Ac2 and batman it worries me.. how is this better then those top quality games? what a joke.. game looks crap.


Feb 19, 2009
Bayonetta is obviously a quality game. What shocks me is that, on this rare occassion when a game that looks like it will be terrible turns out to be fantastic, people bitch and complain about it! Who gives a rats ass what you think, the game is obviously good. And then these same people complain about not getting enough decent action titles or original ips. It just goes to show how bratty, entitled, and stupid most people really are. Even in the realm of video games.
Dec 29, 2008
Personally, I think they reviewed Bayonetta as just a hack and slash game. You cant really complain about it being better than MW2 cos MW2 is a shooting game: you cant really say one is better than the other if they're that different.

Anyways, I will be buying this game because I like it (im a big fan of the DMC's). Also, many single layer games can have long playability (Ive played tales of vesperia about 7 times now) so please put that in account before you bad-or-good mouth it.


Feb 1, 2009
the only twats saying it looks crap are PS3 owners because once again as is the case with 99percent of cross platform games the 360 version shits all over the PS3 version from a great height,when GOW comes out they all being saying how amazing it is ignoring the fact the whole genre owes all to the developer of this game who put these kind of action hack"an"slash"em"up games on the map
Oct 17, 2006
Well. I'm not biased at all. I have a PS3 and a 360 myself.

The PS3 version even the demo is bah gawd awful. Dark shaders, immense slowdown at times. The game is the most unplayable demo I've ever downloaded. Even worse it seems unfixed in the final build.

Didn't notice any issues that IGN mentioned on the 360 about it being too much to handle at times. However I only have the demo so it's probably tweaked like hell to hide those issues.

Bottom line: If you want this game and only have a PS3 it's most certainly not worth it. Just wait out for something epic like Heavy Rain.

Pretty dumb if you ask me how devs seem to ignore the PS3, I have a preference in attempting to buy everything possible for the PS3 since I'm scared to death of the Red lights after 11 breakdowns of 360s.

Just because some lazy devs can't get something right means I have to treat this as an exclusive? ha. Well I guess this was expected with a failure like Sega in charge, same company who killed Sonic's legacy with multiple pointless releases. Same company who had the potential biggest game of all time "Shenmue" and couldn't even sell it to enough people.

Sega are officially clueless, and have been since the release of the Sega Saturn. They even had to leech half of Capcom to make this game.
Dec 17, 2008
HorrorStoryKillah said:
Sega are officially clueless, and have been since the release of the Sega Saturn. They even had to leech half of Capcom to make this game.
What are you talking about? The 360 version was developed by Platinum Games, who has no affiliation with Capcom except being founded by 3 members of the now defunct Clover Studios.


Jun 12, 2008
I think whoever was in charge of putting this game on the PS3 deserves a sound beating. Damn lazy developers *grumble grumble*.


Apr 25, 2002
I think the crapbox deserves to get one over on the PS3 for once. Usually the PS3 shits all over the crapbox in every respect incuding multi-platform and especialy exclusive. Of course, This is no fault of the console. Just the Devs. But the x-bots will no doubt fool themselves into beleiving otherwise. Hope, hope, hope and all of that. Myself, I'll buy the PS3 version no matter what. Id rather have that then buy a ****ing thing for the crapbox.

It doesn't matter. 2010 will show you what a real console can do. Bye now.


Dec 23, 2009
Derity11 is stupid and ignorant. saying a game is trash because it has no multiplayer is short sighted and demonstrates your lack of intellect. and why are people going so crazy over a review. its an opinion. and they likely have a better informed opinion then you. WOW you played the demo. these have played it through several times. you all keep talking about it been another DMC clone. its part of the same genre you retards. why does nobody refer to Call of Duty as a doom clone. jesus christ some people do not think. im not talking to all of you. most of you have expressed fair opinions but people like derity11 need to shut the F*** UP


Dec 23, 2009
oh and TimJ37. common knowledge that fanboys are nobody appreciates your stupid opinion


Dec 23, 2009
oh and TimJ37. common knowledge that fanboys are nobody appreciates your stupid opinion
Oct 18, 2008
ah ah, reader review are funny.
One idiot say "dont review this game, he isn't release and he give 2/10"
He dont know japanese version is avaiable since 2 months. I have the game.
my god.
Caviar and pigs have not a good relationship



Jun 9, 2009
Firstly: PS3 fanboys get a grip and stop writing ****ty reader reviews for every great 360 game (just cause the ps3 version is inferior, geez) .

Secondly i am surprised at how the UK review seems more generous than the US one (given how UK reviews are usually more correct IMO). 9.5 vs 8.0 presentation????

Anyways this game is #1 on my list
Nov 27, 2003
I played the demo, seemed cool - probably a rental for me as my money is heading towards Mass Effect 2 next month, I've been playing CoD:MW2 for a while now and I feel my brain shrinking and dying so I'd much rather something a little bit thought provoking that won't turn me into a twitch trigger zombie. I will probably get this after ME2 but Dante's Inferno is also in the running as I found the demo to be a bit more enjoyable than the very OTT Japanese-i-ness.

Also, anyone who says a game sucks on a console they don't own is a tool. Anyone who says the game is better on their console of choice without trying it on the other is also a tool. You cannot seriously call yourself a gamer if you swear by one console religeously, you can only call yourself a fanboy and everyone else can call you a dickhead.
Nov 24, 2008
Everyone bashing this game is a ****ing moron. Youre all a bunch of idiots. This isn't a devil mat cry rip off, its a ****ing revolution. Not only that, but it has a lot of awesome art design, reminds me of if devil may cry had sex with okami. Mmmmmmmm. 9.6 Indeed!


Aug 19, 2009
this is why i hate ps3 fanboys more than any other fanboy. seriously nvidia fanboys are better! and more open to logical thinking
Jan 9, 2009
i think the same person shud of reviewd both ps3 and 360 versions to make it fairer...
i dont understand why the ps3 one isnt as good? its seesm very odd....stupid multiplatform games being inferior on ps3!! ahh well ill just play my exclusives on ps3 instead :D
i played the ps3 demo and thought it was fine, i might pick it up somewere down the line.