
Drizz in my pants
Jul 2, 2001
Long Island, NY
For anyone who is interested, basic code to allow users to make tables has been added. Please let me know if any quirky activity is seen as a result. They cannot be used in signatures.

column 1column 2column 3
Oh hey, row 2box 2box 3?
..What happens if this is really long? Like, really really long. Does it stretch past the screen or wrap? Oh, that's cool, it wraps.

[table][tr=red][td]column 1[/td][td]column 2[/td][td]column 3[/td][/tr][tr=#FF00FF][td]Oh hey, row 2[/td][td]box 2[/td][td]box 3?[/td][/tr]
[tr=0000FF][td].[/td][td=100].[/td][td=50%]What happens if this is really long?  Like, really really long.  Does it stretch past the screen or wrap? Oh, that's cool, it wraps.[/td][/tr][/table]

The "BB Codes" page has some example code for anyone not familiar.

edit: This will not work in Tapatalk.
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