
May 30, 2010
ok, so I got part of my strategy down. At the start I speed towards the two NEXTs here and land between them, the one backing up Wynne D will boost towards where I started and Wynne will more further back into the area, from here I can missile her until shes dead. The problem is I'm normally less then 95% hp by the time she dies and low on missiles.

I can fight them one on one and will beat one of them but if it turns into a two on one I'm going to lose.

can someone suggest gear to carry into this mission?


No Longer a Noob
Aug 3, 2007
I'm not entirely sure, but I think Roy's frame has a weakness to energy weapons. Well, perhaps it's not a genuine weakness. More like his En Defense is lower than his Ballistic Defense. Hi-laser Rifles may be good against him. Roy's frame can take the entire ammo content from two Gatling Cannons before eating it, so Energy weapons are probably the way to go for him. On the other end of the spectrum, Wynne D's Latona frame is geared towards Energy Offense and it's no slouch in Energy Defense, so missiles are perfect against her

Yeah, it definitely sucks.


May 30, 2010
thanks, I'll get some energy weapons and see how well i do against him.

It would probably be an easier fight if it wasn't for the fact that all my possible teammates for this mission went and got themselves killed while I was off napping.

I haven't gone very far in the arena, highest I got was 25.


No Longer a Noob
Aug 3, 2007
Sort of. The presence of Stasis complicates things, however. Stasis has even lower defense than Wynne D's frame, though, so it shouldn't be too much of a problem with practice.


No Longer a Noob
Aug 3, 2007
You might have to try to isolate them. There's a trick to it. Start by flying along the ceiling, and start dropping slowly once you get near their platform. 9 times out of 10, Roy will go stupid and stop moving. Wynne D will try to chase you. Basically, it'll let you handle Wynne first and deal with Roy all on his own.

This also works on hard mode, but there is an added caveat. You'll have to fly all the way to the bottom. Roy will still stay near the top. Wynne should get stuck about half way down. Stasis will come all the way to the bottom. Unfortunately, Wynne isn't stuck for long, and she'll jump in if you're not quick.


May 30, 2010
I was getting her trapped in the back

when it started i would charge in and roy would charge me while she boosted away (like they always do when you get near) and i would get her trapped in the back area while roy sits around near where i started waiting for me to come back at him. normally by that time I would be low on missiles(or out) and less then 20k health remaining.

Edit: i can sometimes keep up with them but they are able to boost much quicker then i am and my screen either cant follow them or when i boost i go into a spin.


No Longer a Noob
Aug 3, 2007
Aranwen1 said:
I was getting her trapped in the back

when it started i would charge in and roy would charge me while she boosted away (like they always do when you get near) and i would get her trapped in the back area while roy sits around near where i started waiting for me to come back at him. normally by that time I would be low on missiles(or out) and less then 20k health remaining.

Edit: i can sometimes keep up with them but they are able to boost much quicker then i am and my screen either cant follow them

Hmm. Looks like you may need to try using Laser Blades. But you'll need a smaller, faster frame to use them effectively. Takes some time to get used to it ('cause they can be blindingly fast), but there are very few things that can stand up to a blade. First, try it out with a larger build, like the Tellus. Once you get a hold of it, you can try faster builds like the Soluh or Latona. Again, blades are very very powerful, but they take some practice. Wynne is a little too fast to use blades against her (keep at her with the missiles), but Roy's a sitting duck.

Aranwen1 said:
or when i boost i go into a spin.

That's the quick turn. It's quite simple, really. Hit Quick Boost while turning to the right or left, but not moving in any other direction. It'll set you on a quick turn. This helps if you have a larger frame, since you'll be better able to keep up with smaller guys. Light frames can even turn a full 180 degrees with quick turn. Useful for hit and run.

It becomes second nature after a short while. You'll be pulling those out on instinct.


May 30, 2010
It happens mostly while I'm moving since I use the boost to get out of the way of some attack, It hurts me more then it helps.

Even with my tank AC I can normally keep them on my screen depending on how close I am.

I'm practicing with a blade and light frame right now against white glint, not the best idea I've had but its good practice against a quick booster.

what blade would you suggest?


No Longer a Noob
Aug 3, 2007
Moonlight is good. Not sure if you have that or not, though. Eltanin is usually available sooner, and the difference between it and the Moonlight is frankly a little too close to call. They're both pretty good..


May 30, 2010
I dont have either on my current playthrough (new game) but i will likely have it on my other game, I bought almost all of the blades.

edit: right now im using 02-dragonslayer

new edit: no, i do not have either of those on my other game


Cursed Mod
Mar 1, 2002
The Dragonslayer got me through some tough times, but you'll need something better with longer range.

Gotta work on getting the Moonlight...


No Longer a Noob
Aug 3, 2007
Can't say, really. It depends entirely on your choices. I'm pretty sure no one has the unlocks fully charted yet.


Cursed Mod
Mar 1, 2002
mummyheadGamma said:
Can't say, really. It depends entirely on your choices. I'm pretty sure no one has the unlocks fully charted yet.

[link=]Game FAQs has a really helpful walkthrough with the unlocks.[/link]

You get the Moonlight by beating Shinkai in the arena. That's a tough fight...


May 30, 2010
so as it turns out, roy has a very stupid ai if you are far enough away (behind where they start)

Im sitting here firing at him every time he stops. he gets hit, boosts around and then goes back to where he was and sits there waiting to be hit before moving again.

thanks again for the help here

also, what happens if i destroy that one floating station with old king?


No Longer a Noob
Aug 3, 2007
The mission with Old King? That sets you on the course to an even harder mission. Occupation of Arteria Carpals. Essentially, it's a four on one fight. You and Old King vs Wynne D, Roadie, Stasis, and Lilium Wolcott. Old King is basically useless in that mission. So, yeah, 4 on 1.