
Oct 14, 2010
Let me start off by saying that I love all GOW games....

But these riddles HAVE to go. I don't know why the creators of this game feel so compelled to include riddles in every single game. (I'm guessing to slow it down).

Its annoying, its in every GOW game, and it kills the crap outta the replay value (Luckily GOW is too freaking awesome to put down). I'm sorry, but they can do so much better, i'd rather be killing titans, swinging on top of cliffs, or just plain old kicking ass as Kratos.

I'm not in the right mind set to solve F'ing puzzles when i'm playing this type of game, only in the mood to kill the crap outta things. (I know that makes me sound stupid, but hell, this is GOW, not school).

I know this has been one hell of a rant, but its just the way I feel about this game, and I am just getting really sick of stopping the game dead because I'm scratching my head. I really hope the creators of this game read this, "More killing, Less thinking. People do not play these type of games to learn or to solve problems.


Aug 26, 2012
I actually don't mind the puzzles and riddles, however, some of them are not needed. The ones in God of War 3 did seem a little out of place and some of them didn't work well, and don't even get me started on the blade towers in God of War (not exactly a puzzle but it still slowed the game down).


Oct 14, 2010
Sorry for the rant, I really gotta stop posting right when i'm stuck on a part. Looking back on it (now that I completed the puzzles and now know what to do), it does kinda separate all the action sequences so its doesn't get to repetitive.

And it also makes you take a break every now and then the first time you play it. If those puzzles weren't there, I would literally play the game in 1 play through.


No Longer a Noob
Dec 18, 2004
You get kind of used to them after a while...I always get stuck in the stupidest of ways, like on that damn conveyor belt puzzle towards the end of the new one- the simplest of puzzles but took me like an hour to figure out lol.