
No Longer a Noob
Aug 18, 2010
Everyone I know (or at least 90% of everyone) says 'Star Fox 64' is their favorite Star Fox is Star Fox 64. My favorite is Assault - lol just wondering if anyone else likes Assault, because it gets so much hate.


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 18, 2011

That said, Assault is my third favorite after the originals, and Assault is definitely underrated.

The big problem with Assault was that the ground missions controls were pretty bizarre compared to the standard Western-shooter controls, which made the game unnecessarily complicated. The multiplayer is fun, but It was mostly wasted potential.
Jan 13, 2012
Well, the aiming was horrible...the weapons were hard to use, except the blaster...
Sometimes you would hear the same bit of dialougue over and over again ("I can't stand to see fox like this", Well then HELP ME!) The story was okay, I guess, except the ending, there's no way realistically they could've planned ahead that much.
I like the space battles though, they grabbed me well, and using the Landmaster was fun, but the games true failure was ground battles. If you charged A, and took a minor hit, you'd flinch so bad, it just didn't make sense...
But it was an okay game I guess
Apr 8, 2011
Tropical Resort
Yeah its my favorite but honestly its because it was my first Star Fox game, plus the multiplayer kept me entertained forever. I really hope theres more ground based gameplay in future titles.