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Mar 28, 2001
Article Comments for [link=]All Clear for UK Manhunt 2 Release[/link]
by Matt Wales

It's been a rough ride for Rockstar's Manhunt 2 in the UK, the British Board of Film Classification twice rejecting the game for certification, a High Court appeal and two Video Appeals Committee interventions hampering the game's release on these shores. [link=]Read Full Article[/link]


Aug 6, 2001
At last!

Now, I can finally make my own mind up whether the game is any good, without some worrying nanny thinking I'm about to go on a rampage.


Aug 12, 2003
What?!? I just bought the new Freeloader software + the US version off eBay earlier this morning!!! Dammit, I wonder whether it will be the original version or the censored US "M" rated version...?


Aug 27, 2007
It still is my personal opinon that games like Manhunt, which put their emphasis on extreme violence as virtually the only content in the game, shouldn't find a market. However, adults are (or should be) responsible enough to know what they buy, or be able to cope. As long as there are no constitutional laws breached, I see no reason why adults should be denied access to such a product.

I certainly am not buying Manhunt 2, but it is a good thing in general that the game can be sold at all.

Same thing happens with Rainbow Six: Vegas 2 in Germany right now, by the way. RB6V:2 has been denied classification by the USK so far, allegedly on the grounds of the A.C.E.S. rewards system.

Just like the German version of Call of Duty 4 had no Arcade mode, apparently the USK is against anything that puts point value on killings and makes that the driving incentive of a game.

Manhunt 2 has not been rated by the USK, as far as I know. (A game that is unrated by the USK in Germany can only be sold under the counter, can not be advertised for and may be banned even for people of legal age by the Federal Department for Media Harmful to Young Persons if the content is too explicitly violent.)

We'll see what further ramifications this VAC decision has.


Sep 25, 2007
No more heroes had no blood and most Nintendo games are filled with bouncing cartoon characters, so I was really looking forward to getting this.

But this game getting banned helped make the decision to sell my Wii.

Now that it is actually going to see release it's a bit late now (for me).

Still the biggest thing that made me sell the Wii was because Resident Evil 5 is only going to the next gen consoles.
(RE 4 was my favourite game of the last generation.)
AND RE:UC was a poor alternative.
Jun 15, 2006
Poor people, they are gonna get ripped off thinking it is a good game because it is so controversial, only to realise it was not worth it in the first place. Bad story, bad graphics, bad controls, bad gameplay, violence so sencured that you cant even see what is going during the killing. etc.....


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 1, 2004
"It still is my personal opinon that games like Manhunt, which put their emphasis on extreme violence as virtually the only content in the game, shouldn't find a market. However, adults are (or should be) responsible enough to know what they buy, or be able to cope. As long as there are no constitutional laws breached, I see no reason why adults should be denied access to such a product.

I certainly am not buying Manhunt 2, but it is a good thing in general that the game can be sold at all.

Same thing happens with Rainbow Six: Vegas 2 in Germany right now, by the way. RB6V:2 has been denied classification by the USK so far, allegedly on the grounds of the A.C.E.S. rewards system.

Just like the German version of Call of Duty 4 had no Arcade mode, apparently the USK is against anything that puts point value on killings and makes that the driving incentive of a game.

Manhunt 2 has not been rated by the USK, as far as I know. (A game that is unrated by the USK in Germany can only be sold under the counter, can not be advertised for and may be banned even for people of legal age by the Federal Department for Media Harmful to Young Persons if the content is too explicitly violent.)

We'll see what further ramifications this VAC decision has."

Common sense finally prevailed and screw anyone who doesn't think people should have the chance to decide for themselves. Manhunt 2 may be nothing like the original but people have the RIGHT to decide for themselves. I've had the game sometime now but this total and utter BS (as well as some of the totally stupid opinions I've read here) has really cheesed me off. Manhunt 2 cleared for release in the UK. That is enough for me. Don't bother whining or bitching because I like violent videogames (amongst many others I may add) because I do not give a toss what you think of me or my tastes in videogames.

"Poor people, they are gonna get ripped off thinking it is a good game because it is so controversial, only to realise it was not worth it in the first place. Bad story, bad graphics, bad controls, bad gameplay, violence so sencured that you cant even see what is going during the killing. etc..... "

If your going to try and troll at least make sure you spell "censored" correctly.


Jun 19, 2001
"If it were up to idiots like you we'd all be lumped with crap like Mario Galaxy"

How to invalidate all you have written in one sentence.

"Dammit, I wonder whether it will be the original version or the censored US "M" rated version"

Its the censored version, as that was the one they were appealing for.
Allthough they probably could publish the uncensored one if they wanted.

The BBFC's objections were too do with the context of the violence not being supported by storyjustification, it wasnt specificaly leveled at the "gore".

ManHunt2 is far from a bad game, but I just wish this story would die.
So many great games get overlooked by so many because we are always looking for things we cant have.

An interesting side point;
Nintendo hasnt censored a game for many years.(for blood or nudity).
Any lack of blood comes purely from third partys not wanting to restrict their sales. Odd that really. Nintendo was aware at the end of the snes/start of the 64s life they got a rep for censoring stuff, so they stopped.
As far as Nintendo is concerned, blood and nudity can appear on their system without a problem.

They also made far suppiour games to ManHunt, imo, like Eternal Darkness.
But they sold bugger all.

Personaly I'm more into "true" horror games, that are far more interesting then Gore fests.
Obscure2 for the Wii should work pretty well for instance, as well as Alone in the Dark.

Still hoping for an Eternal Darkness sequal, but thats unlikely I think.



Jul 6, 2007
Congrats, UK! Now you too can discover the epic lameness that is Manhunt 2. Your cash is better spent elsewhere.


Mar 14, 2008
Great News! I thought it was definitely an unfair judgement to ban that game in the UK. I have played the AO version and the M version, and the game is excellent. Well worth the money, and the market needs more games like these rather than a pile of disney/cartoon titles. Keep up the good work Rockstar. I'm looking forward to Manhunt 3. To those in the UK...Happy Hunting!


Aug 27, 2007
mrHcore said:
Don't bother whining or bitching because I like violent videogames (amongst many others I may add) because I do not give a toss what you think of me or my tastes in videogames.

Just to be clear here, we're on the same page. I was arguing for freedom of choice, regardless of my personal opinion about Manhunt. If a publisher makes a game that is intended for adults, a ratings board should acknowledge that and give it the respective rating instead of rejecting it.
Feb 21, 2007
People that want to play 'violent' games or do anything violent are clearly a victim of society. I dont blame those involved but I do have to wonder how they got there. I never hung out with violent people or did anything violent , so its no 'surprise' that I am not violent myself, nor do I eat violently ( hint ).

I think we can all clearly see what ramifications this has, and IMO those whom release violent games, and those whom buy them are fooling themselves into a false sense of security because :

a) It is a proven fact that kids/adults who play violent games , act out violently afterwards it if you dont believe me

b) As a society, we are as we should surprise no one that we are in a state of war and look what kind of games your kids ( and some of you supposed adults ) are playing. YOu can goto any website that sponors and talks about games and see what the top games are....

It aint no surprise that violent games are popular.

Make no mistake though there is something all of us can do about it; write your congress person, picket about it and make sure your NOT buying violent games , because there ARE alternatives out there .

Disney might seem like a stupid company to uneducated or violent tendency people, but they at least are trying ( sure money is involved, BIG surprise ) to remind us all that violent aint necessary to have fun..LOOK AT THE WII! ;))

WII are going to win the war and make violent gaming a thing of the past ;)

Aug 4, 2007
to the veggie who made the big long pointless comment, your grammar is appalling. using words like whom when you its meant to be who, and 'quoting' things 'all' the time 'looks' stupid [face_tongue]
Sep 14, 2006
@ leebojamminman
"WII are going to win the war and make violent gaming a thing of the past"
Do you know the first popular violent game released? It's space invaders. Violent games have been with us sense and they will never be a thing of the past.


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 1, 2004
How to invalidate all you have written in one sentence."

If you liked Mario Galaxy great, but I didn't. Oh and signature second line down.

Don't bother thanks.

"Just to be clear here, we're on the same page. I was arguing for freedom of choice, regardless of my personal opinion about Manhunt. If a publisher makes a game that is intended for adults, a ratings board should acknowledge that and give it the respective rating instead of rejecting it."

Yeah were on the same page, but on IGN there's always some douche bag who has to try and argue so I find it easier to just let people know I don't care what they think so they don't waste their time trying to troll me.




Almost Not a Noob
Jan 5, 2004
Whoop-dee-doo. Now let's all go have some tea and crumpets.
This game was neutered a long time ago. Therefore it lost my interest awhile back.
Oct 26, 2007
I'm just glad this is all over. Hopefully this can set a predecent so that the BBFC will have to release more violent games to those that want them. The BBFC is meant to inform people of their choices, not take away their choices.


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 1, 2004
"Whoop-dee-doo. Now let's all go have some tea and crumpets.
This game was neutered a long time ago. Therefore it lost my interest awhile back."

I was going to have some gritz and fried chicken to celebrate myself.


"I'm just glad this is all over. Hopefully this can set a predecent so that the BBFC will have to release more violent games to those that want them. The BBFC is meant to inform people of their choices, not take away their choices."

Congratulations, you're one of three responses actually worth reading. But what you said is true the BBFC are there to inform not enforce the utterly stupid opinions of people like Jack Thompson or Keith vaz.



Aug 12, 2007
I'v played the original version of this game(i said "original")included the full version of the cutscenes and the last two levels, both lost in the "soft" version.
Is a good game, but you'll need some stomach at the beginning.It's not for kids, absolutely.
If you have kids, hide the thing.
This final legal word should be a call to the conscience of players; videogames, as movies, should be selected whith care. That afect our emotions because they are made for that.
That`s specially true talking about children.
Be smart, adult player.
Is a good thing when you can make a choice.
(sorry for my bad english)


Jul 26, 2004
It was really fun and interesting...until the second half where it turned into a ****y third person shooter.
Jun 18, 2007
Does this mean they're getting the 'uncensored' version? Because if that's what the '18' rating means, then I think I might have the game imported. I haven't played Manhunt 2 yet, and I refuse to play the edited version.
Feb 20, 2002
I'm glad they won, though in my mind the game sucks, and they still had to censor it, from what I gathered from the article.


Prime Member
Feb 17, 2008
"Rockstar has yet to reveal when its reworked Wii and PS2 title will hit UK shores..."

I see the word reworked as well as a 18+ rating... Does that mean it wont be the same edited version we got here in the states? Cause that ruined the game....


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
In my opinion, this game totally sucks, so after all these months of trying to get it actually sold in britain, i think all of them are going to be very dissapointed.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
Despist the fact that this game looks pretty bad, i feel that a morale victory was won here. They took on the People who rate the game and beat them. Sadly it was for a bad game
Sep 23, 2006
"Sadly it was for a bad game"

Hopefully though when a good one does come we as gamers and those who do fight for us will be in a better postion to fight for it.

Depending on what's coming out when Manhunt 2 does I may get, but I said the same for Bully and I got Ao2 instead.
Mar 13, 2008
i think it was just hype to sell the game. to get it's name out there. its not a good game at all, even uncut.


Jul 9, 2005
I never thought that the original Manhunt would have been any good for a game, but I was surprised. It was actually a really good and original sneaking-killing game. Don't know about Manhunt 2, but it's been one hell of a waiting. And the flashy screen sucks.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
Whoop-dee-doo. Now let's all go have some tea and crumpets.
This game was neutered a long time ago. Therefore it lost my interest awhile back.Whoop-dee-doo. Now let's all go have some tea and crumpets.
This game was neutered a long time ago. Therefore it lost my interest awhile back....
Posted by: BadAssBurtReynolds on March 15, 2008 12:05 PDT

Oi BadAssBurtReynolds you fat **** shut your face, go and eat your heart diseased fatty foods so you can evolve into a fat sweaty grotesque pig like the rest of your population... Fatty bum bum


Jun 2, 2008
This is awesome, I can't wait to find out what insane crap their gunna pull this time. I have full confidence in rockstar.
Oct 17, 2006
You know? I gave up wanting Manhunt 2 ages ago.

But I will buy it just to support the future of violent games from Rockstar.

and that dude with the Wii stuff and winning the war.

Why do I sense a poor 13 year old who can't afford a PS3 or a 360 and is stuck living in a dumpster?

TMNT - Violent
Super Smash Brawl - Violent
Super Mario Bros - Violent (Killing involved)
Zelda - KILLING!
Mario Kart - Throwing things at people BAD BAD

If we look at it, Nintendo are behind most the senseless violence. At least Manhunt has a plotline.

I'd love to beat the crap out of you. Not because I play violent video games but because you are an imbecile. The gaming industry is 90% violence no matter what console you have, I do consider Mario and Sonic extremely violent, so lets ban every game eh? But I'm not the one with problems with violent games.

You wonder why you have no violent friends? I debate if you have any friends.