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Mar 28, 2001
Article Comments for [link=]'Adults Only' Manhunt 2 Rated for PC[/link]
by Jim Reilly

[link=]Read Full Article[/link]


President of the World
Feb 18, 2008
Something even more sad and pathetic.

Jim spelled his name wrong at the top of the article


Jun 4, 2003
It's kinda cool I think. They should make Adults Only video games since most gamers ARE adults. There could be a law against selling an adults only game to children the same as there are laws against selling tobacco or alcohol to children.


Almost Not a Noob
May 11, 2003
I dont see what the big deal is, its a bad game, just let it go away and die in the bargain bin
Dec 7, 2008
What? If it's the same as the M-rated versions, why is the ESRB contradicting its own previous decision? Even if they've thought it over and decided that the earlier versions should have been AO as well, they should be consistent. This makes them look incompetent, not to mention indecisive. And when you're a media ratings board, decisiveness is kinda important.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
i'll still buy it, if it's rated AO. but if it gets stuck with the rating, the minus well get rid off all the gay filters they had in the PS2 and Wii versions.


May 18, 2009
how long has it since we all seen a AO rating on a game?

I remember an adult version of the Sims but thats all


Aug 4, 2006
Why is the ESRB jumping throw hoops to burn this game? It is very obvious that they are trying to censor my games without the first amendment flying in their faces. With and AO games won't be sold thus the "morally wrong" stuff will be cut out. This is going to be a slippery slope and if we don't end it soon, well lets say GTA 5 won't be able to throw a tit out without being slapped with an AO.


Oct 24, 2008
Whats the point of making AO games? There are so many great games out there that are E-M, an AO game is unnecessary. Games don't have to be "mature" or "adult only" to be fun. I don't play a game for the crude language or sexual content, I play for the fun value. Call me old-fashinoned, but games need to be more about the gameplay and playability then "Ohhh lets make this really gorey game thats super bada$$!!!"


Almost Not a Noob
Aug 3, 2009
Why is the ESRB jumping throw hoops to burn this game? It is very obvious that they are trying to censor my games without the first amendment flying in their faces. With and AO games won't be sold thus the "morally wrong" stuff will be cut out. This is going to be a slippery slope and if we don't end it soon, well lets say GTA 5 won't be able to throw a tit out without being slapped with an AO. [-] Minimize CommentWhy is the ESRB jumping throw hoops to burn this game? It is very obvious that they are trying to censor my games without the first amendment flying in their faces. With and AO games won't be sold thus the "morally wrong" stuff will be cut out. This is going to be a slippery slope and if... [+] Full Comment
Posted by: dkuch on August 25, 2009 18:53 PDT

Wait. You want to see video game tits? What are you, twelve?

Normally, I'm very anti-censorship, but there's something more distrubing to me about people who live vicariously through video games and other technology--whether spending ten hours a day playing MMORPGs with people they'll never meet, or texting/twittering/Facebooking constantly. Tits would just be another way for the companies to lure you into buying their shitfest games (and Manhunt 2 is boring shit). It reminds me of that bit from Big Lebowski. "Interactive Erotic Software. Wave of the future." "Yeah, well I still jerk off manually."
May 15, 2008
If it's getting an AO rating either way, they might as well revert the game back to it's original state that was AO for wii and ps2. That way they get to say damn the man, and can give the fans what they wanted to from the begining... It'd probably sell more that way too.


Almost Not a Noob
Dec 27, 2004
This crap is in the same vein as "torture porn" movies. It's not necessary. I agree with the adult rating, kids shouldn't play this.
Aug 15, 2008
games need an R rating M is more of a pg-13 why have a rating that makes something unsellable I say AO all the way just put it K-mart get it main streamed.


Almost Not a Noob
Jun 15, 2006
THE ESRB is a freeking joke - i mean WHO cares, Rated R means nothing, parents will buy there children anything they want - AO is just a way to "stick it to the man" Rockstar, needs to release these games online, i bet sales will be HUGE!


Jun 19, 2009
honestly it's the same thing with dvds g/pg/pg13/r/ao/xxx/nc-17 but u never ever hear about a movie that is nc17 that has caused so much drama besides passion of the christ which was just an r so y can't they do sumthing like put ne mature or a/o in a special room like the adult videos section at f.y.e then this whole drama bullshit about a game being to violent or sexual could finnaly stop...u could always go "hey i've seen rape in a movie full on meth heads raping" the worse u'll say in a game is " ya i killed a couple hookers and ran over a few people" but when worse comes to worse the argument will always be it's a god damn video game white republican america grow a damn sack cuz u need a pair since u guys really um one all of u


Almost Not a Noob
Aug 13, 2005
Seriously? M is nothing like PG-13. I've never seen a PG-13 movie where someone pees on kids, pours gasoline in a 'fetish club' and sets people on fire, or rewards someone for getting ganaria (all from Postal 2). I don't care if Manhunt 2 is AO. I just wish they'd touch it up and make a Manhunt 3 for current-gen systems.


Almost Not a Noob
Oct 12, 2008
problem is these stores aren't allowed to sell these games cause the rating basically views this game as PORN which stores aren't allowed to sell


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 15, 2007
Cool. I agree with those who are saying that if sold online it'll be huge... No stupid filters, just violent and gory. Originally how Rockstar intended it. :D


Dec 18, 2008
Isn't an M rating pretty much the same as an R rating? Think about if you aren't allowed to have kids in theaters by themselves to watch an R movie, then you shoudldn't sell an M game to kids, it says so on the box, Mature for 17+. There's nothing in Manhunt 2 that can't be found in movies like Hostel or Saw, which are rated R, not AO.


Almost Not a Noob
Oct 22, 2006
Did they add anything?
Anyways I hope it does well, not just so games become more mature, but the creators do what they originally wanted.
Jun 28, 2008
this is back? hey, esrb, did you ever wonder why some movies come out "unrated"? cuz they're content that ISN'T intended for everybody who saw the original, just for those who want to watch something slightly raunchier. so lets see... releasing a rated version of a game AND an unrated version of it... LOOK! that's a money sceme that you could capitalize on right there!


Almost Not a Noob
Jun 24, 2008
The only reason this got rated AO in the first place is because the ESRB which is completely useless to the gaming industry, refuses to flesh out thier ratings. They stick a general template which obviously cant cover every game under the sun. And if you don't abide by the general template then you get the AO rating. The current rating system is both pointless and worthless, as long as the ESRB refuses to provide actual ratings and descriptions for games, the system will remain broken.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
lets face it, the game kinda deserves the rating. but hey, is a new era, i dont see why AO should be as big a problem. throw it out on dig distribution so walmart doesnt have to deny it. its not very good from what i hear anyway.


Oct 30, 2008
Is this going to games for windows live? I'd rather it not. Might be fun to actually play the game as it was intended. Really enjoyed Manhunt on the PS2 given all its faults. still a fun, crazy game.


Almost Not a Noob
Dec 15, 2002
Strong sexual content? Hell? Last one didn't have that, never saw anything like that in this one.

Why the hell is Saw okay and this isn't?


Prime Member
Oct 10, 2005
Meh, I don't care about this game.

Oh and tekbunny the big deal is this, the game will not be sold in retail stores.

The fail on IGN is amazing.


No Longer a Noob
Sep 22, 2002
Another observation - all of the game versions use the same boxshot - yet the PC version say "No Boxshot". Kind of retarded when you can just use the same link to the same image as all the others. Also, just because a game gets an AO rating doesn't mean it doesn't deserve a full review just like any other game. Regardless of rating, it is still a video game and should be treated in the same manner. It's like someone is purposely trying to make the game fail.