Jun 11, 2001

Wow. I'm so disappointed with this new demo.
I want total freedom with the controls. Why can't I roll?
Am I missing a setting?
Camera is far to shaky too.
Didn't even bother trying the Heli mission.

What did you think of the demo?



The Roman Emperor
Jul 24, 2001
you can change the flt control to "original"

as for the demo, i played both campaigns, the jet fighter part is to arcadey (meaning it tries too hard to wow me with antics and cinematics) and i do not like the close combat fighting (personal opinion)

as for the helo part, it's not as bad as some peopple have said it was, i had more fun with the helo campaign than the jet fighter mission, but the helo mission to me seems disjointed and i feel slight disconnected (if that makes any sense)

anyways, i had the game reserved and then cancelled after playing the demo
^^it'll be a rental and might buy it when it's $20
Jun 11, 2001
Thanks for the tip.
I will try it again with the 'original' setting.
Even if that proves to be more to my liking, I think I
will do the same as you, rent then buy it cheap later on.
Jun 11, 2001
To elio_q:
can't send private messages yet.
here's my reply

I'd buy it for the PS3.
I have AC06 for the 360, and still love it.
Not sure I like the direction they are taking with this one.
What platform will you buy it for?


The Roman Emperor
Jul 24, 2001
i will rent it for the 360

anyways, i don't like the direction of the game, but i will reserve judgement until i have played thru the game and then i will criticise the game and the developer or praise them


Jul 26, 2003
Miami, Florida
Bamco, I am disappoint. This game is terrible. Everything you learned from the other AC games is pointless because they threw it all out in favor of dogfights on rails.


The Roman Emperor
Jul 24, 2001
@Big Red, there is a few reasons why Ace Combat:AH is the way it is, but not much you can do for it's Namco's choice

well, next up "HAWX 3"...though i'm sure some of us might like that one more :)


Almost Not a Noob
Apr 24, 2009
To be honest, i read everyones reviews here and thought "wow what a bunch of babies always complaining over something". Until i played this horrible excuse for a Ace Combat game. Yes i know its just a demo but this trys to be like H.A.W.X. and it fails pretty hard in my opinion. Thanks Namco!


The Roman Emperor
Jul 24, 2001
why would you think cry babies and complainers?
we are professionals here and tell the truth and so if a game is lacking or sucks we will say it loud and proud :)

but it's good that you agree with us :)
Jun 11, 2001
Looks like I'm gonna run through Fires of Liberation again.
At least it's better than HAWX

How about
JASF: Jane's Advanced Strike Fighter http://ps3.ign.com/objects/115/115093.html

Maybe it will be the AC killer!? *sigh* looks like a DOS game compared to HAWX

edit: added link


The Roman Emperor
Jul 24, 2001
ace combat 6 for da win yo!

janes might be good, and Janes will be to Ace Combat and HAWX what Operation Flashpoint is to COD or BF.....i bet not many people will like Janes, just a guess
^^that said, i feel that gamers need to broaden their horizens and be open to trying different styles and experiences with games and not just the same old thing....there are alot of good games out there that people won't try, because [it's not COD or BF] and they go neglected

Janes for example, might not be great flt game to some, but it might be worth checking out and if it sucks, then it sucks and move on to the next game

i'm definately gonna rent Janes

PS. there are 3 flt games coming out soon, hopefully one of them might be good :)


Almost Not a Noob
Apr 24, 2009
elio_q said:
why would you think cry babies and complainers?
we are professionals here and tell the truth and so if a game is lacking or sucks we will say it loud and proud :)

but it's good that you agree with us :)
Because a lot of people whine & complain over any small detail that they dont agree with. I figured it was just a bunch of people who've neverr played an Ace Combat game whining about it. Didnt know i was amongst hardcore pros![face_dancing]


The Roman Emperor
Jul 24, 2001
i had more more fun playing Apache Air Assault, Snoopy's Flying Ace, Blazing Angels 2 and HAWX 2 demos over the Ace Combat:AH demo!


Almost Not a Noob
Apr 24, 2009
I think the part i find the most funny is how when in (for lack of better term) Close Range Dogfight mode, it takes 12,000rds from the cannon to put the jet down.


The Roman Emperor
Jul 24, 2001
exactly, what's up with that.....that close combat doesn't belong in the game at all and should be taken out.
^^infact, Namco should scrap Ace Combat:AH and remake it the correct way!


Jun 7, 2006
WTF!!! Ace combat is trying to copy HAWX, when HAWX should be trying to copy them. Everyone knows Namco Owns the genre, they shouldn't have to adjust to the market cuz they own the market. This Game is clearly marketed to the COD crowd, but the COD crowd like F***ING COD!!!! not Flight sims. and god the controls seem to be overly sensitve. its extremely hard to get a good line on these guys if u want to use ur guns.
i might still pick it up tho
Dec 22, 2004
I miss me some AC:5. Great story, great planes, GREAT final mission (thread the needle baby!) They need to port that as a downloadable HD remake or something.


Oct 30, 2009
Well it looks great, but there's no way I can play it useing the sixaxis. If I could find a good flight controler I'd love the game.