
Apr 30, 2012
It's over a decade old.

By now you know that CS is awesome.

CS:GO is awesome, handles great, lightning fast.

You've played this before. I was in high school when CS was a new thing.

Love the game. Won't pay a cent for another version with minor updates.

Solution: Buy/try Hybrid instead.

CS:GO demo
3/5 stars



Jul 16, 2006
Long time lurker of IGN.. Long time fan of 1.6.. Bought for the PC, but my laptop sucks horribly and my old gaming rig won't start up.. And I have problems aiming on the laptop, dunno if it's due to the graphics not being that great but my aim seems to lag. Can't accurately shoot someone.

Bought it for the 360 today, can't complain.. Kind of saddens me that it is only 5v5 anywhere you play.. at least that's all I saw. Surprised that there are not a lot of active posts in this forum.
Apr 17, 2004
So far I am thouroughly impressed with CS: GO. It does seem just like a re-release and some of the maps are just re-done but i am fine with that. I no longer have to pop in my copy of CS for my Original Xbox to do some mindless killing. And i was very happy I can create a private match online with a friend and take on bots.


Apr 30, 2012
So far I am thouroughly impressed with CS: GO. It does seem just like a re-release and some of the maps are just re-done but i am fine with that. I no longer have to pop in my copy of CS for my Original Xbox to do some mindless killing. And i was very happy I can create a private match online with a friend and take on bots.
Yeah and props to them for including them (bots) since that's a completely forgotten feature these days. True story: first match I played a guy was asking what the armor bar was. [face_rolling_eyes]