The PATI Act gives requesters a right to have the Information Commissioner review any decision (or failure to decide) made by the head of the public authority on an internal review. Following an investigation, the Information Commissioner may issue a decision, which is legally enforceable in the same manner as an order of the Supreme Court. The Information Commissioner seeks to resolve or narrow issues between the parties when possible and consistent with the rights under the PATI Act.

​The Information Commissioner’s Decisions are published below. Requesters are not identified.

If you wish to look at a public authority’s records that the Commissioner has ordered be disclosed, contact the public authority directly. You may refer to the public authority’s PATI request number and the Commissioner’s Decision. The ICO does not disclose public authorities’ records on their behalf, either during the Commissioner’s review or at the conclusion of her investigation.

Statistics of applications for review received, as of 30 June 2024

  • 0

    Total applications
  • 0

    Pending investigations
  • 0

    Applications pending validation
  • 0

    *Closed: Decided
  • 0

    Closed: Resolved (settled)
  • 0

    Closed: Invalid
  • 0

    Closed: Abandoned
  • 0

    Decisions pending compliance

*The ‘Closed: Decided’ category count does not match the number of decisions issued. Decision 14/2019 addressed two separate, but related, cases.
Any Decision under judicial review is marked below by “**”.

Decision No Public Authority Description Outcome Date PATI Acts/Sections
20/2024 Bermuda Police Service Failure to decide For applicant 03 July 2024 s. 43(2)
19/2024 Department of Health Failure to decide For applicant 28 June 2024 s. 43(2)
18/2024 Bermuda Police Service Failure to decide For applicant 18 June 2024 s. 43(2)
17/2024 Ministry of National Security Headquarters Records on payments to protesters Partially upheld 01 May 2024 s. 12(2)(b), s. 21, s. 23(1), s. 27(1)(a), s. 27(1)(c), s. 29, s. 4(1)(b)(vi)
16/2024 Ministry of Legal Affairs Headquarters Legal aid records Partially upheld 01 May 2024 s. 16(1)(a), s. 16(1)(c), s. 21, s. 23(1), s. 26(1)(b)
15/2024 Department of Child & Family Services Records related to residential care homes For public authority 30 April 2024 s. 16(1)(a), s. 22, s. 37
14/2024 Bermuda Police Service Correspondence and internal review of search warrant For applicant 30 April 2024 s. 4(1)(a), s. 4(1)(b)(vi)
13/2024 Bermuda Medical Council Records related to a medical practitioner For public authority 30 April 2024 s. 23, s. 4(1)(a)
12/2024 Ministry of Health Headquarters Records on Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory and payments to resPartner Partially upheld 27 March 2024 s. 21, s. 23, s. 24, s. 25(1)(c), s. 27(1)(a), s. 27(1)(c), s. 27(1)(d), s. 37, s. 4(1)(b)(vi)
11/2024 Bermuda Police Service Records related to the execution of a search warrant Partially upheld 27 March 2024 s. 21, s. 23, s. 24, s. 30(1)(a), s. 34(1)(a), s. 34(1)(b), s. 34(1)(c)
10/2024 Bermuda Police Service Emails between the Commissioner of Police and the Governor of Bermuda Partially upheld 25 March 2024 s. 23
09/2024 Accountant General's Department Failure to decide For applicant 13 March 2024 s. 43(2)
08/2024 Bermuda Police Service Failure to decide For applicant 01 March 2024 s. 43(2)
07/2024 Bermuda Police Service Legal advice report For public authority 01 March 2024 s. 35(1)
06/2024 Ministry of Youth, Social Development and Seniors Headquarters Request for records on litigation guardian panel records Partially upheld 29 February 2024 Regulation 5, s. 16(1)(a), s. 21, s. 23, s. 24
05/2024 Cabinet Office Commission of Inquiry’s records on counsel’s resignation Partially upheld 29 February 2024 s. 23, s. 35(1)
04/2024 Cabinet Office Failure to decide For applicant 28 February 2024 s. 43(2)
03/2024 Cabinet Office Request for records about Fintech and the Fintech Unit Partially upheld 28 February 2024 Regulation 5, Regulation 8, s. 13(5)
02/2024 Corporation of Hamilton Failure to decide For applicant 27 February 2024 s. 43(2)
01/2024 Bermuda Monetary Authority Records on companies licensed under the Digital Asset Business Act For public authority 23 February 2024 s. 37