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Meet the colorful cartoon vampire-slaying cast of #BLUD

June 11 2024

When the vampire apocalypse comes to town, your chances of survival increase exponentially when you have some good friends to rely on. Luckily for Becky Brewster, vampire-slaying star of the Exit 73’s upcoming cartoon dungeon crawler #BLUD, the student body Carpentersville High is always ready to lend their talents to help save the day.

Let’s get to know just some of the the eclectic, eccentric, social-media-obsessed student body (plus a few other important characters) at the heart of #BLUD!




Becky Brewster


Likes: Field hockey. Selfies with squirrels.

Dislikes: Vampire apocalypses. Missing the bus.

Go-to RPG class: Half-elf hunter with a mysteeeeerious background

As the new kid in town, Becky Brewster is no stranger to strange situations. She’s resourceful, adaptable, and ready to take on any challenge with skill, snark, and her hockey stick Brenda—all good traits to have when you suddenly find yourself following in your mother’s footsteps and becoming a vampire hunter. Her field hockey experience makes her uniquely suited to monster slaying, as she wields her trusty stick Brenda to finish off foes. 





Likes: Perplexing puzzles. Tinkering in the garage.

Dislikes: Rushing into things. Disorganized quest logs.

Go-to RPG class: Artificer 

Clever, crafty 14-year-old freshman Corey is one of Becky’s bestest buds, and her most steadfast companion during this whole vampire apocalypse thing. Handy with machines and a whiz at electronics, he’s eager to help out Becky however he can, whether it’s building a giant contraption to help her practice her hockey moves or keeping Becky on track as she fulfills the conditions of her bizarre vampire-thwarting missions.





Likes: Winning. Leading the charge.

Dislikes: Losing. Perch outages.

Go-to RPG class: Which one’s the party’s main character?

Sophomore captain of Carpentersville High’s field hockey team, Ali exudes confidence. Wherever there’s a bake sale, a school dance, or field hockey regionals, you’ll find Ali close by, using her charisma and leadership skills to make sure it’s a success, and make everyone involved look positively awesome (especially Ali). While she and Becky don’t always see eye to eye, she’s definitely the kind of friend you want to have around when vampires are in town.





Likes: The color black. Cursing out teachers behind their back.

Dislikes: Boring classes (most of them). Too much sun.

Go-to RPG class: Warlock, sorcerer, or whoever has the coolest spells

Smart, sarcastic Goth freshman Morgan might not be too into “high school,” but that doesn’t mean she’s not keen on studying. As an aspiring witch, she’s Becky’s go-to for all things strange and mystical—and it just so happens there’s a lot more of that going on these days than usual. Maybe Morgan has some insight into some of these weird runes and stuff in Becky’s dusty old grimoire?





Likes: Trenchcoats. Training. 

Dislikes: Messy students who don’t know how to use a garbage can.

Go-to RPG class: He doesn’t have time for that foolishness!

When vampires begin to show their teeth in Carpentersville, it’s not long before the mysterious Kristofferson arrives to take Becky under his wing—teaching her the ancient ways of vampire slaying, and just generally helping her earn an A for effort in apocalypse prevention. Behind his gruff exterior? More gruffness. But behind that lies a caring, custodial soul who just wants the best for Becky and the kids of Carpentersville High.



Geoff Freya


Likes: The MegaMultiverse!

Dislikes: Fools with a lack of vision. Meddling kids.

Go-to RPG class: Rules lawyer who forces everyone to play his custom homebrew campaign

Founder and CEO of the ubiquitous social media phenomenon known as Perch, Geoff Freya isn’t content with mere dominance of global communication. No, he has a much bigger, bolder vision for the world: the MegaMultiverse, which promises to change everything, though no one can pay attention to his monologues long enough to understand just how. All that matters is the lucky folks of Carpentersville are going to be a mega part of its mega rollout!





Likes: Blood. Horror. Carnage.

Dislikes: Ancient lines of vampire hunters.

Go-to RPG class: Played it? He lived it.

The Vampire Lord is of the old blood, sired around the fall of Rome. He may have even helped sack the city, if the legends are true. Vampire hunters have tangled with him throughout history, but no has been able to land the final stake through his heart. Over the years, his cruelty has morphed run-of-the-mill vampires into more horrific forms, and now he’s set his minions upon this sleepy, unsuspecting town. His plans after taking over Carpentersville: Who knows! Vacation in Tampa maybe?



Exit 73 Studios’ cartoon dungeon crawler #BLUD arrives on PC, Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and Nintendo Switch on June 18. Add it to your wishlist today!