Workplace Consulting

Your Partner for a More Effective Workplace

Our consultants work with you to create places where your business can succeed.

How We Work With You

A group of people looking at printed work on a wall.

Explore Possibilities

We use decades of knowledge and insight to establish a vision for what the future of your workplace could be. Then we create a roadmap to help you get there.

Two people sitting in lounge seating discussing work that's being displayed on a laptop.

Examine Realities

Using research and data, we establish benchmarks for how your space is performing—for people and your business.

A group of people listening to a person address them in an open office kitchen space.

Activate Change

Once your plan is in place, we work with you to reach your goals and navigate cultural change.

Our Results

By working with our workplace consultants, you can optimize space, save money, and improve experiences for your people. One client achieved the following:


143 people added

From 193 to 336 total employees in the space without adding real estate

Cost Savings

$150 million

Estimated cost avoidance by optimizing existing space vs. constructing a new building


28% increase

People reporting “My workplace gives me a sense of community”

*Sources: Confidential biopharmaceutical organization and the Leesman Workplace Effectiveness Report

How We’re Different

A close-up image of a blueprint with colored markings on it.

Strategies Based on Data

We pioneered the use of space utilization research in workplace strategy, and we tap into our rich bank of data—spanning decades and industries—when we work with you.

People working in an open office kitchen space.

Proven Results

With over 50 years of experience and insights into workplace effectiveness, our global team of experts uses deep knowledge to deliver impactful outcomes.

Why You Need Workplace Consultation

workplace redesign projects achieves high performance

of people are struggling to work effectively

*Sources: The Leesman Workplace Effectiveness Report and Gensler’s 2019 US Workplace Survey

What We Do

Explore Possibilites

Alignment workshops

Visioning sessions

Examine Realities

Focus groups



Short-term space utilization studies

Space allocation modeling

Applied placemaking

Activate Change

Change management planning

Change leadership workshops

Employee workshops

Change implementation

Post-occupancy evaluation

Long-term space utilization analytics

What Our Clients Say

“With real data on how our space was being used, we were able to go to 20% unassigned spaces, which created enough room to close a building and save $1.2 million annually.”


– Facilities Manager, Mid-Atlantic pharmaceutical organization

“From a change management standpoint, we knocked it out of the park. My people are working all over the place. They are working in cafés, great rooms, conference rooms, you name it. If you ask me if we got the things that are really, really important correct—the answer is yes.”


– CEO, Midwest finance organization

“The placemaking thought-starters—connected to data—were exactly what we were looking for. This information is important as we consider what to do next—how to budget, prioritize, and plan.”


– VP of IT and Real Estate, Silicon Valley tech organization

Contact a Workplace Consultant

Take the first step toward a more effective workplace.

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