Helply is a sister company of Groove - The simple yet powerful helpdesk for SMB's.
Hiten Shah
Co-Founder & CEO of FYI
"Impressive & insightful. Alex’s blog is a must-read for anyone looking to grow their business online."
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Why Helply Was Born...The Origin Story →
Your New AI Agent
for Tier-1 Customer Service
Empower your customer support by combining the best of AI and human touch.
Prioritize customer satisfaction while saving hours on tier-1 support.
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Train Helply with your data
All other chatbots stop at website URLs, sitemaps, Notion docs, and knowledge bases as sources. Helply is the only agnostic AI customer service agent that uses data from your help desk to accurately answer up to 80% of tier-1 support tickets.
An open letter from our CEO:

Not just another chatbot
I’m excited to introduce Helply, designed specifically for SMB’s who want to automate customer service while still maintaining that personal touch. Helply was built for B2B SaaS and eCommerce, featuring advanced AI that learns from every customer interaction, powerful integrations with help desk platforms, dynamic knowledge management with suggested help articles, and smooth human handoffs. Helply is so efficient that it can save a support agent 2-3 hours a day. Scale that across your team, and you'll suddenly save the equivalent of a full-time employee's worth of hours each month. Thanks for being a part of our journey.
Alex Turnbull
Alex Turnbull
PS. We're documenting the entire journey here
How Helply works.
Helply is an AI agent that scans your website, knowledge base, previous support tickets and saved replies to provide quick and accurate answers to customer questions.
Build your AI agent
Make your AI agent look like it's part of your website with custom colors and logos and make it match your brand's personality with custom instructions.
Signup for early access
“The simplicity is only surpassed by the result. Excellent product!”
Eric Stein
Train your AI agent
Connect your website, Notion docs, knowledge base, help desk tickets and saved replies. Helply will use all of this data to train your AI customer service agent.
Signup for early access →
“Crazy! I couldn’t believe how easy it was to train Helply on our website and KB. It even brings in canned replies from our Zendesk account.”
Maria Majid
Get your AI agent to work
Let your Helply AI agent handle up to 95% of tier 1 support questions to give your team more time for personalized care and proactive support.
Signup for early access →
“We were up and running in less than 5 minutes having our AI agent answering tier 1 support tickets!”
Alex Sampson
Learn & optimize
Get insights into your AI agent support interactions with use them to improve its performance.
Signup for early access →
“In May our AI agent handled 536 conversations, saving us 65 hours of support time. Knocked it out of the park!”
Melissa Goodwin
"This will be a game changer for support”
Mikael Cho
CEO & Co-Founder, Unsplash
Powerful Features
Everything you need to answer up to 80% of tier 1 support tickets.
Provide trustworthy, accurate answers
Your AI customer service agent delivers reliable info sourced from credible sources, ensuring your customers receive precise responses you can trust.
Aggregate Data from Multiple Sources
Switch on/off website URLs, help center articles, and text snippets to select sources currently utilized by your customer service AI agent.
Customize the appearance
Tailor your AI customer service agent's appearance to match your brand. Consistency is key—ensure users recognize your brand every time they engage.
Automatically Retrain
Keep your AI customer service agent sharp with automatic retraining. It continuously improves, ensuring you always get the best experience.
Utilize Powerful AI Models
Harness top-notch AI models for seamless interaction. Your AI agent is equipped to handle any query with accuracy and efficiency.
Ensure Privacy & Security
Trust us with your data. With robust encryption and access controls, we prioritize your privacy and security.
Generate Leads
Turn interactions into opportunities. Your AI customer service agent effortlessly collects customer info, streamlining lead generation while providing exceptional assistance.
Integrate with Other Platforms
Simplify your workflow with seamless integration. Connect your AI customer service agent to your preferred tools and platforms, making life easier for you and your team.
Real-Time Assistance
Focus on reducing response times and increasing accuracy to enhance customer satisfaction and trust in your service.
Building in public
Meet Alex, Founder & CEO of Groove & Helply