Class: Death Knight - Format: pegasus - Type: big - Season: season-124 - Style: ladder

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Try coin for early corpses with blood tap, use anything small, but as soon as you get rurn 5 or 6 and can buff hollow hound, seamstress or gnome muncher, ots very hard for people to kill you, too many stats, too much lifesteal. Use reska and yodeller or puppeteer (mini) and yodeller for huge buffs and infinite undead from horseman.

Just went from 6 star bonus to legend in 2 days, currently 1370 legend. This deck bops the meta, it handles paladin, warlock, deathknight and druid with ease. Use anything small to last until you get 5 cost plus, then buff away. Its disgusting, it feels like cheating.  Use elusive reborn zilliax, the big cards are essential. Other handcuff decks don’t use them and suffer to control. With warrior, just flood board asap. Its easy to play and soul crushing to face ????

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  1. YeahRight
    July 12, 2024 at 6:29 pm

    Trash deck, you had to play against 2IQ player to cllimb