Leadership Fitness: Four Capacities Leaders Must Develop

IN BRIEF: The most significant barrier to human-centered leadership—and to effective leadership in general—is that leaders may lack certain underlying capacities required to operate in this new environment. We identified four capacities leaders must develop—what we call the four dimensions of Leadership Fitness: Balance, Strength, Flexibility, and Endurance. Each dimension has an aspect of seeing differently, making sense of what is happening all around, as well as leading differently, and taking purposeful action. Even those of us who don’t watch much (or any) college basketball have probably heard of Caitlin Clark. She recently broke the all-time NCAA basketball scoring record […]

How to Define Impactful Leadership Development Goals

IN BRIEF: Choose one key business priority to drive your learning initiative and use it as a filter for determining targeted leadership development goals. For maximum impact, focus on a limited number of highly impactful behaviors and outcomes. Choose specific and measurable success indicators to track before, during, and after the program. When organizations come to Harvard Business Publishing Corporate Learning, they are usually in the process of transformation. They know that although transformation sounds lofty, its success is largely determined by day-to-day actions. A recent McKinsey study concurs: “Organizations with successful transformations are more likely than others to embed transformation […]

How to Create a Successful Leadership Development Program

  IN BRIEF: Leadership development initiatives are most effective when they focus on performance outcomes that support a key business priority, like revenue increase. Leadership development program content and design should be tailored to different leadership levels for maximum relevance and engagement. Data should be collected before, during, and after the program to measure progress and optimize for impact. As organizations evolve in response to technological advancement, external events, and generational paradigm shifts, it can feel like the only constant for leaders is change. If so, there is no greater leadership asset than the drive to keep learning. And there […]

The Case for Leadership Character

The Case for Leadership Character

IN BRIEF: Research shows that organizations with leaders who achieve high character scores have an average return on assets five times higher than those with low character scores. Leadership character extends beyond just ethics and includes traits like compassion, willingness to serve others, and forgiveness. Character plays a significant role in decision making and performance, and it’s important for leaders at all levels, not just those in senior roles. When we think of leaders who possess character, we typically envision ethical behaviors such as telling the truth, standing up for what’s right, and treating others fairly. The notion of “ethics” […]

How Human-Centered Leadership Can Help Your People Adapt to Change

The Vicious Cycle Preventing Your People from Adapting to Change—and How Human-Centered Leadership Can Help

  IN BRIEF: The stress and negative emotions people experience resulting from change initiatives and transformations create stress and burnout. By increasing employees’ confidence, sense of well-being, and resilience to stress, human-centered leadership has the potential to help people adapt more easily to ongoing change and disruption. Human-centered leadership means finding the right balance between leadership behaviors that may even seem contradictory and then effectively demonstrating those behaviors to making people feel valued, connected, and confident in their professional growth. Threat rigidity and the change-resistance cycle are the enemies of rapid transformation As a leader, it can sometimes feel that […]