Customer Support Headaches Eliminated.

With Groove you can manage all your customer support requests in a simple to use platform so you can focus on growing your business.

Trusted by 118,000+ USERS since 2012
logos: shopify, unsplash, modkat, data-dog, palace, app-sumo, meta-lab, and stussy
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Deliver world-class customer service with more confidence and less stress.

Shared inbox
Team collaboration
Knowledge base
Reports & analytics
Automated workflows
Live chat widget
AI powered
“Groove's streamlined features empower my team to handle support efficiently, freeing me up as the CEO.”
Jonah PhillipsCEO @Work Sheet Maker
“Switching to Groove was a game-changer. Price, simplicity, and excellent design. The Knowledge base and Team Inbox are phenomenal.”
Andy JohnsonFounder & CEO @High Side
We found the perfect fit in Groove. Sharing emails, allocating responsibility, templates, and efficient workflow - all in one!”
Brett GirenPresident & Co-founder
@Isibindi Africa Lodges
It's the perfect solution! Easy tracking, collaboration, and a valuable knowledge base for efficient customer support.”
Jeremy DagerathHead of Customer Success
@C12 Group
We switched to Groove from Zendesk because of simplicity. No more complexity, just personalized emails and great deliverability.”
Stenn TransethHead of Customer Success
@The Hustle
“Groove stood out with its design and simplicity versus Zendesk. Easy to use, customer-centric, and no overwhelming ticket chains.”
Eric MerckleyFounder & CEO @Echidna Sewing
Seamless and powerful: Groove transformed our B2B support, simplifying teamwork while keeping the personal touch.”
Alexander FergusonCMO @Teraleap
“Groove transformed our agency's workflow, keeping everything tidy, clients happy, and projects on track. A game-changer!”
Jack ManleyFounder @Freestyle Digital

Why over 118,000 users love Groove.

Groove is the perfect help desk solution for YOU. Here’s why over 118,000+ smart business owners and customer support agents love Groove, and you will too!


Take back control of your support inbox.

Keep everyone on the same page and resolve issues faster. Say goodbye to scattered emails and fragmented conversations.

Easily track and manage all communication. This streamlined approach saves you time and enhances efficiency, allowing you to provide prompt and effective support to your customers.

shared inbox

Increase team productivity and efficiency.

Collaborate effortlessly with your team using Groove. Assign messages, leave private notes, and track who's handling what.

No more confusion, just streamlined teamwork that boosts productivity and enhances collaboration.

help widget

Reduce stress and enhance confidence.

Say goodbye to chaos. With user-friendly features and intuitive design, we prioritize ease of use and customer satisfaction.

No more confusion, delays, and missed messages. Experience smooth support, free from frustration, for both you and your customers.

knowledge base

We do the heavy lifting.

Tired of the complexity of support management? Groove's intuitive platform takes the weight off your shoulders, providing a seamless solution for all your customer interactions.

Experience the relief of efficient support management without the hassle of multiple tools and platforms.

price comparison

A premium support solution without breaking the bank.

Customer support at a price point that won't strain your budget.

Get exceptional value without compromising on quality, making it the smart choice for businesses looking to maximize their return on investment.


Built with you in mind.

Small to medium sized businesses have unique needs, and our platform is designed to recognize those needs.

Whether you're a startup or an established small business, our platform provides the support infrastructure you need to succeed, empowering you to deliver exceptional customer service and drive growth.

Real talk from Groove on customer service.