V3 Recaptcha Limit Incorrect

I received the following email about my recaptcha quota :

Summary: You are receiving this email because your site key exceeded the free assessments limit in reCAPTCHA V2 or V3. Please use our new migration path to upgrade to reCAPTCHA Enterprise so you can have unlimited assessments for your site key.

Thank you for being a reCAPTCHA user. Your site key is currently using reCAPTCHA over the quota limit of 1 million calls per month. If you do not migrate to reCAPTCHA Enterprise, within 30 days following this notice, your site key will not protect your webpage after 1 million calls per month.

If a site key exceeds 1000 calls per second, then some requests may not be processed. If a V3 site key exceeds 1 million calls per month, then the site might return a static score of 0.9 and an error message that says `"over free quota."` for the remainder of the month. If a V2 site key exceeds its monthly quota, then the following or a similar message may be displayed to your customers in the reCAPTCHA widget for the remainder of the month: `This site is exceeding reCAPTCHA quota.`

I currently use a V3 invisible recaptcha. The site key is used on one website for the domain primaryconnect.my.salesforce-sites.com
I believe my quota usage is wrong since it's only showing ~139K request in the last months on my dashboard.
I think the recaptcha quota consider *.my.salesforce-sites.com, which isn't my domain.
The solution proposed is to upgrade to enterprise, which I don't want to because I don't want to pay for the 2m+ recaptcha usage which aren't my users.

What should I do in that case ?

@chhamilton Please help

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