ReCAPTCHA v3 throwing errors

Not sure if I am in the right forum for this topic - please let me know if I should look elsewhere. I am a web designer with about 60-70 client sites using regular ReCAPTCHA (not Enterprise) v3, with 1-3 forms using it on each client site. Over the last week, I started hearing about errors being thrown when customers would try to fill out the forms. I can't always replicate the problem from my end. Today though, almost every single form test I tried to complete, failed. I've since removed Recaptcha from all sites (hopefully temporarily). Most client sites are using the Wordpress Avada theme but I am seeing the error even on legacy sites using other themes and Contact Form 7 plugin. Did my clients collectively hit some sort of quota that I didn't know about? I've tried googling it and see something about a million queries but I am positive even with 60-70 forms there's no way they are collectively in that ballpark. Any suggestions? Would really like to reinstate Recaptcha ASAP.

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Hi asnewton,

What was the error you were getting when trying to fill out the reCAPTCHA? Is this v2 or v3? 

It's the generic "There was an error trying to send your message. Please try again later". They all use v3.

What integration path are you using for reCAPTCHA v3? This is not an error that reCAPTCHA itself would return, so I suspect it's coming from a third-party plugin or integration.

I drop the recaptcha into a form built in the Wordpress Avada theme. That’s for probably 80% of my client sites. I do, however, have some older sites that I built on several other themes and getting the same error there. And on top of all that, I have a handful of forms built with CF7 plugin, in several different themes and all return an error as well. The only common denominator is recaptcha v3.

Hi asnewton,

Thanks! Is it possible for you to spin up a sample Wordpress site and DM me the link? I'd like to dig into this more. I suspect it's the plugin's implementation but I can't be sure without looking into it a bit more. Unfortunately we do not have an official Wordpress implementation on the Google side, so we only have so much insight into how other plugins implement us.

Sure, will send something in 10 mins. Thanks for your time with this!

Wow, I am feeling really dumb. Where is the DM functionality on this support system? I checked your profile but must be missing it... I have a sample form set up to send you.

I wonder if they removed it, because I don't see anything either. Can you email it over to me? joshdorion[@] (without brackets). Thanks!

I actually had to come up with something faster because removing the recaptchas from all client sites was (unsurprisingly) causing some to get slammed with form spam. I've since been replacing all v3's with v2's and reissuing keys accordingly. Not ideal but it seems to be sidestepping the problem.