Google Workspace Calendar Appointment Schedule Appointment Duration

Good Morning,

Hope all is well. I would like to have the option of being able to add multiple appointment duration options for a user to select from when scheduling an appointment with me. Please see the picture below from a fellow colleague. As you can see, it ask me "How long do you need?" I have multiple time options to choose from.

As of right now with Google, I can only pre-select one appointment duration for a user to schedule with me. For example, let's say I pre-select 15 minutes as the appointment duration length. Then, when a person would like to schedule an appointment with me, but would like 30, 35, or more minutes with me, the person will have to create multiple appointments back-to-back. This is inconvenient and am hoping Google can fix/resolve this issue.

Screenshot 2024-01-29 at 8.16.29 AM.png

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New Member

Hello I have a similar issue. I would like to schedule multiple shifts/appointments in one day. This is specifically for my volunteers that will be working the same shift in multiple areas. For instance I have 5 shifts for the 9am- 2pm slot, 5 different volunteers need to sign up for those shifts. 

Is there a possibility to set this up?

Thank you 

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