When possible, use HTTPS addresses for images, etc.

This is a very, very simple tip that resulted from a problem that came up suddenly today.

What should have looked like this . . .

Screenshot 2024-05-04 at 0.19.30.png

. . . suddenly looked like this . . .

Screenshot 2024-05-04 at 0.14.32.png

. . . on both my iPhone and iPad devices.  It turns out that all I had to do to fix it was to add a letter to the URLs.

Screenshot 2024-05-04 at 0.09.35.png

When I changed "http://" to "https://" all was well.  I'm not sure why the issue came up suddenly today but, at any rate, that was the problem.  If your server supports "https" start with that.

P.S. I explain how to add actions that look like and function as checkboxes here:

How to add a checkbox to a table view

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