Using Enum to control Grouped Table view order

I just discovered this recently and thought I'd share it.  I have no idea how long it has been a part of AppSheet features.

If you have a Table view grouped on an Enum type column,  the grouping order will take on the order of the items listed in the Enum column.

For any column values that DO NOT appear in the static list, their groups are placed at the bottom of the Table view groupings and seem to be sorted as a secondary list.

Screenshot 2023-01-23 at 8.05.25 AM.png

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  • UX

The same is useful when you want to sort by months but you don't want to use numbers before them. You can use an Enum and manually add the values from January, February.... and it will take that order.

I learned this not so long ago from @Steve, before that I though that alphabetical was the only way as well

Yes, this is a great little hidden feature!

However, just FYI, it fails when you're using base type of Ref. It ignores the Enum values, and still sorts by the Label values. I had a support ticket open for it, with @Aleksi responding, where they said they were working on fixing it, but it has been quite a while, and now the support system got switched over, so not sure what happened to it.

@Marc_Dillon wrote:

and now the support system got switched over

...and Aleksi is no longer in the team 🙁


Just to add, this will only work if you untick 'Allow other values' 



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