Google Developer Expert Office Hours

Hey AppSheet Community!

My name is Landan Quartemont. I am a recent addition to the Google Developer Expert Program (GDE) with a focus on AppSheet. I have been working with AppSheet and other Google Technologies (Cloud SQL, BigQuery, Apps Script, Cloud Functions, etc.) for over 5 years and am eager to help those of you newer to the platform!

Getting help from the community can be challenging for a number of reasons and I hope to alleviate some of this challenge by providing weekly office hours over a virtual meeting. The office hours will be taking place from 11:00 am to 11:45 am CST beginning January 31, 2024. The time will be spent breaking down critical development concepts within AppSheet as well as assisting community members in solving app and use-case specific problems. Meetings will be recorded, clipped and released over YouTube especially for content that would be valuable to the broader community.

Please like this message if you think you would benefit from this engagement.

Please fill out this google form to get signed up and help curate the experience to your needs.


Landan Quartemont

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Hey folks,

I wanted to bump this back up the list as a reminder for those of you wanting some clarity on an AppSheet concept or help with a roadblock you are facing as a developer. Please don't forget to sign up so that I can get you a calendar invite and meeting link!

[Scaling AppSheet Apps & Improving App Performance]

Wanted to post the recap here inline with the original thread. Here is a link to the YouTube Video Recap!

Reminder to sign up for this week's session if you are in need of some assistance or would like to learn more about a development concept within the realm of AppSheet!

For those of you interested in joining tomorrow, GDE Office hours will be a more informal Q&A for use-case specific questions. In addition, I plan to touch on data relationships and showing user-specific data. If you want to join the discussion, have questions about developing your use-case, or simply want to be a fly on the wall, sign up using the google form mentioned in the original post!

See you guys tomorrow!



Office Hours recap from last week (User-based Logic, Slices, Dynamic Drop-downs and SELECT() Expression) should be coming out shortly on YouTube. Sorry for the delay on that!

GDE Office Hours will continue today at 11:00 am CST. Sign up here to let me know how we can best use the time and I will shoot you the calendar link.

Talk soon,

Landan Quartemont


Office Hours recap is now available on YouTube (User-based Logic, Slices, Dynamic Drop-downs and SELECT() Expression)! Hope it is a major benefit to you!

GDE Office Hours will continue next Wednesday at 11:00 am CST. Sign up here to let me know how we can best use the time and I will shoot you the calendar link.


Landan Quartemont

Huge thanks to those of you that have already signed up for this week's GDE Office Hours!

We have had some really helpful sessions over User-based logic over the past couple weeks; although, I think we may be tackling some new content in the Automation realm today.

Final call for those still interested, please fill out this google form to get signed up and help curate the experience to your needs.


Excited to announce the release of a YouTube series on User-Based Logic I have worked quite a bit on!!! So many of our GDE Office Hours sessions have ended up touching on these topics for one reason or another, so I really wanted to deep-dive the subject in some short-form videos.

Hope it is a huge help for you guys!

P.S. As always, fill out this google form to get signed up for calendar invites to the Office hours sessions.

See you all then!

Landan Quartemont

I'd like to request occasional Google Developer Expert Office Hours that are conducted in the evening CST.  This would probably be more convenient for certain people in the US and it would definitely be more convenient for me in Japan, where 11:00 am to 11:45 am CST is in the middle of the night (2AM).  Regardless of the specific times and regions, variation in times of day would probably give new groups of people opportunities to participate.


Hi all,

First off, I want to say a huge "Thank You!" to all of you for expressing interest in me hosting GDE office hours! It has been a blast to do this with some of you over the last handful of months. With that being said, it seems the format, host-time or some other factor is not the most accessible for the broader AppSheet Developer Community and it seems best to pivot away from the weekly office hours. 

I think it is time for me to do some soul searching to figure out a better medium to engage/support the community. I will continue to release content on YouTube, but if you have any other ideas, I am all ears. Please share!

Thanks again for your participation!



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