On Prem Director upgrade to Rocky Linux


Follow these steps to upgrade to a Director on Rocky Linux 8 while preserving your data and settings. For an existing Director virtual appliance, on version 4.13 or earlier: 

  1. Optional: If using a static IP, go to Settings > Director Settings, click Network and note the following network information for the Director (required for Step 5):
    • Director IP address
    • Director gateway
    • Director DNS server (if applicable)
  2. Upgrade your existing Director to version After this step, you will have a Director that is still running on CentOS 7.
  3. After the upgrade, take a backup of the Director virtual appliance. This step preserves your existing settings.
  4. Take the existing Director machine offline, then replace it with the Rocky Linux 8 Director virtual appliance, using the same IP address or DNS name.
  5. Once the new Director is online, connect to the Director using SSH and then run the following commands:
    There is a known issue where vsetnet doesn't correctly apply the static IP to the Director. As a workaround, after running vsetnet, run the following:
    nmcli con show

    You'll see output that looks like the following:

    NAME                  UUID                             TYPE      DEVICE
    Wired connection 1    UUID_VALUE                       ethernet  enp1s0

    Take note of the name NAME and DEVICE values in the preceding command output (in this case, Wired connection 1 and enp1s0) and then run the following commands, whereDIRECTOR_STATIC_IP_VALUE, GATEWAY_IP_VALUE, and DNS_SERVER_VALUE are the network values that you obtained from Step 1:

    nmcli con mod "Wired connection 1" ipv4.method manual ipv4.addresses DIRECTOR_STATIC_IP_VALUE
    ipv4.gateway GATEWAY_IP_VALUE ipv4.dns DNS_SERVER_VALUE
    nmcli device reapply enp1s0

    As long as you have the netmask, such as /24, at the end of the IP Address, the IP address should update properly and be maintained across reboots.

  6. After the new Director reboots, restore the backup that you created in Step 2 onto the new 4.14 Director virtual appliance. After this step, you will have a Director running on Rocky Linux 8 with your existing settings.
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One thing to note, is if you reboot the system and the interface reverts to DHCP (or you can't connect an actor when re-attaching PUSH actors), do the following steps:

  1. Console/SSH to the director
  2. Execute sudo touch /etc/cloud/cloud-init.disabled
  3. Execute sudo reboot
  4. Re-run vsetnet by doing sudo vsetnet
    1. Re-enter the IP configuration
  5. Execute sudo restart