Can someone help me with the Microsoft Windows AD data integration?

Hello, I'm having issues with this integration . It seems like if NXLog is running, the export file is locked and the script cannot delete/write the file itself. So it doesn't work

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Change the directory and filename in the below given script,

# Set the location where the log file will be written
$OUTPUT_DIRECTORY = "file directory"
$OUTPUT_FILENAME = "filename"

# Remove the existing output file if it exists
If (Test-Path -Path $OUTPUT_PATH) { Remove-Item -Path $OUTPUT_FILENAME -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue }

# USER_CONTEXT: Gets all Active Directory users and their properties.
Get-ADUser -Filter * -properties samAccountName | % { Get-ADUser $_.SamAccountName -properties * | ConvertTo-JSON -compress | Out-File -encoding utf8 $OUTPUT_PATH -Append }

# ASSET_CONTEXT: Gets all Active Directory assets and their properties.
Get-ADComputer -Filter * -properties samAccountName | % { Get-ADComputer $_.SamAccountName -properties * | ConvertTo-JSON -compress | Out-File -encoding utf8 $OUTPUT_PATH -Append }