Timestamp for Windows events

Hello everyone, my windows servers are sending DNS debug logs and NPS debug logs from the corresponding files, using NXLog im_file module. When I send the log to Chronicle SIEM, the parser works good but there is one issue.

The timezone configured on the Windows servers is CET (+02:00), while Chronicle parses the timestam as UTC. So my logs don't show up on chronicle portal until 2 hours from ingestion, and when they show, they have a wrong timestamp.

Do I need to change the timezone on my server or is there another way to make Chronicle use the right Timezone?

Maybe even using NXLog.

Thank you

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Hi Roberto,

If possible, it would be recommended to configure the time zone to UTC on the server. This recommendation is documented here.



Is there any other solution?

Hi Roberto,

You can try to use parser extensions to see if that helps. 

Does the raw log in Chronicle include a timezone or time offset?

Assuming that you are using the community edition since the NXLog Enterprise Edition supports DNS logging via ETW providers (Collect logs from Windows DNS Server | NXLog Docs).


We are facing timestamps in the future, which is a huge problem.
What is the recommended approach, if a data source cannot be configured to UTC? Writing a parser extension for every log source type can´t be a feasible solution.

Hi Max,

Each log should ideally have a timezone (E.g., 2024-04-05T09:00:00 GMT) or offset (e.g., 2024-04-05T09:00:00 +01:00).

As far as I know, if you aren't able to provide either of the above, you'll have to make changes to the parser to accommodate this.

This is becoming a big pain in our ass.

As parser changes go this is a really easy one. The date function within parsers lets you specify a timezone:

This essentially means that you'll open up the parser and just add it in:

if [time] != "" {
   date {
      match => ["time", "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"]
      timezone => "Europe/Rome"

You shouldn't need to do this in every parser, just ever parser using windows logs. Regardless, its a quick change.

I haven't tested, so if this works please let us know