GKE security posture finding

Hi Team,

Is the GKE security posture findings are integrated with Security command center(SCC) findings?

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Cluster specific GKE has it own security posture dashboard. Please feel free to read this article. It was in preview for some time but recently become GA (General available) as of 2th June, 2023


Please refer following link for more details- https://cloud.google.com/kubernetes-engine/docs/concepts/about-security-posture-dashboard



Container vulnerability findings are published on SCC.


Container vulnerability findings are published on SCC.

Thank you for the links! Sorry to resurrect an old thread but this is the most information I've been able to find about this issue. I'm a little confused by your final statement. Do you mean I should see container image vulnerability findings in SCC when a GKE workload container image has vulnerabilities?

I have not been able to get this to work. The GKE Security Posture dashboards shows them but they do not appear in SCC. I have looked everywhere I can think of but have not found a good explanation of what I'm doing wrong. The SCC Container Scanning documentation even claims to support the GKE version I'm running.

Thanks in advance for any help!

You're not going crazy - GKE Security Posture findings do not currently flow into SCC. Stay tuned for some news here as this is definitely something we are working on!