Mandiant Security Validation - Journey Overview

Every organization wants to be able to quickly and confidently know that their environment is unlikely to be compromised by the latest attack. Moreover, there is a need to quantify their security posture with data that clearly shows the effectiveness of their security controls. This data helps them establish a baseline, avoid security "drift," and maintain their defenses.

That's where Mandiant's Security Validation Solutions can help. Informed by Mandiant frontline threat intelligence on the latest attacker tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs), our solutions continuously validate and measure the effectiveness of your cybersecurity controls. 




In the Mandiant Security Validation Journey you'll navigate through five main tasks of implementation:

  1. Access & Planning
  2. Deployment
  3. Integrations
  4. Security Content
  5. Testing

Next Step: Mandiant Security Validation: Step 1 - Access & Planning

Version history
Last update:
‎04-19-2024 12:12 PM
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