Welcome to the Looker Community!

We’re glad that you’ve decided to explore our flourishing group of peers and industry experts who are here to network, share knowledge, and have fun together. Here, you can find support and educational content, inspiration, and encouragement, whether you're brand-new to the world of Looker or you're a seasoned Looker veteran.

If you haven't created a Community account yet, please go here to learn how to create one.

Now that you're a member, you can enjoy the following resources:

The Looker Community forums

As a community member, you have the ability to post, reply, and give "likes" on the Looker Community forums. If you're looking for support with any aspect of Looker, our forums are the place to go. They're titled "Looker Forums," and there you'll find technical professionals with years of experience who are ready and eager to answer your questions. Conduct a quick search using keywords before creating a new post because your question may have already been asked and answered!

Articles & Information

"Articles & Information" is a centralized location in the Community where you can find product news, Community updates, technical tips and tricks, and articles with answers to common account questions. Explore the Articles & Information area to learn more. 

Looker Community Events

By joining the Community, you can always be in the know when we run Community events, including live webinars, Ask Me Anything sessions, and more. Take a look at our Events area to see all future and on-demand events, with the ability to join live events straight from the event post. It’s that easy! 

We're excited to welcome you to the Looker Community family! 

Let us know in the Community Feedback board if you have any questions or comments about your Community experience.

To learn more about the Community and how to use it, be sure to visit our Community Resources area to learn more!

We look forward to connecting with you in the Looker Community!

The Looker Community Team

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