Looker 24.10 Release Notes

Looker 24.10 is launching this month!

📆 Release dates: 

  • Expected Looker (original) deployment start: Monday, June 17, 2024
  • Expected Looker (original) final deployment and download available: Thursday, June 27, 2024
  • Expected Looker (Google Cloud core) deployment start: Monday, June 17, 2024
  • Expected Looker (Google Cloud core) final deployment: Monday, July 1, 2024

️ Notable features: 

  • When an admin edits a user's email address, Looker will now log out that user and send an email verification link to the user's new email address. Looker will prevent the user from logging in again until the user clicks the email verification link.
  • You can now create treemap charts using the Chart Config Editor.

  • ForLooker (Google Cloud core), Admins can now update a user email address through IAM or IdP.

Check the release notes for more details. Happy Lookering!

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The release notes mention a lightweight drill option coming in Labs, any information about what that is?

Good catch! It's actually the other way around - the option is leaving Labs, after a few months of being in Labs, and is now generally available.

The Labs description was:
When enabled, query responses will not include the full URL for drilling for each data point. For drilling heavy use-cases, this flag will improve performance and reduce the likelihood that the browser will crash due to running out of memory.


Hi Sam, 

We encounter an issue (edited)

Which is in the Send feature

In Send > Advanced Options > Limit

It used to be able to select "Results in Table" or "All Results"

Yet, in latest version, the radio box of "Results in Table" is locked with selection for good.

And there's no way to select "All Results" instead.

Which leads to only incomplete data results get send.

We've also check with one of our ally company who also use Looker(with version 24.8.21

And it works fine in their instance. 

Would you kindly be able to take a look about this issue?


I don't think there's a global issue with All Results not being selectable in 24.10. Or at least, I haven't heard of it.

There are a few reasons that the All Results option might not be selectable. From our docs on Downloading content:

The All results option is typically disabled for queries that do any of the following:


Thanks for the reply.

I will check if the above were the cases.

We have experienced this issue as well and had our instance rolled back to v 24.8.22


The issue was resolved with 24.10.41+ (Currently we have 24.10.44 

Thanks for the help (of Google Support Team's Narayana, Parameshwara, and Aradhna & Engineering Team)!

cc @sleung-16704270 @sam8 





Thanks for circling back!