I’m excited to share that our SecOps Community will have a new and improved home beginning

This post was originally sent by Shaked Tal
Hi SecOps Community 🙂
I’m excited to share that our SecOps Community will have a new and improved home beginning September 25, 2023 , as part of the Google Cloud Community (GCC).
My name is Shaked, your current Community Manager and together with @Willie Turney , @Lauren van & @Ray_a  from the Google Cloud Community team , I’m thrilled to have the opportunity to help support you as we make this transition.
We believe that a strong community is essential for both your success and ours and we want to ensure we provide you with the support, content, and space to allow you to connect and learn from each other.
Moving to the GCC ensures long-term durability and sustainability of this community and its programs. This iteration will also allow us to manage and moderate the community more efficiently, which will enable us to offer more updates from the product team and more community events to learn and share best practices from Cloud Security experts.

What’s changing : this site’s content and URL will be moving to the GCC platform beginning September 25, 2023. Additionally, the Slack space will no longer be available but engagement with each other and Google Cloud teams will occur in new Q&A forums.

What’s not changing : The Cloud Security Community will continue to function as its own sub-community with a dedicated space, forums, and events. Additionally, all of your post content and profile will be migrated.

We’ll continue to share more information in the coming weeks, including detailed FAQs, so make sure to check back for more announcements.

Have a great day

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@Tomtomfridman The GCC reg page does not yet have a Security "community of interest" for new user registrations (image).

Should we wait until after 9/25 when our profiles will migrate there?

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This comment was originally sent by Shaked Tal
Hi @Chris_B the new SecOps community will be live on Sep 25th. In the meantime you can set up a GCC account and it will then sync with your SecOps account once we migrate