πŸ‘‹ Hey There, Introduce Yourselves!

Hey there,

Rod here on the Community Team. Over the coming weeks, you’ll start to see a number of super-cool Google Community Team Members and Looker Experts checking in with you all.

We're excited to see so many new faces in the Looker Community! Whether you're brand new to this space, or you've been here a while, we'd love to learn a bit more about you and how you're using Looker to explore, analyze and share real-time business analytics easily.

Please take a moment and reply to this thread sharing a bit about yourself. 

The questions below are some conversation starters, but feel free to share a little or as much about you, your work and interest as you feel comfortable. Feel free to add whatever information about yourself that you feel is interesting. There's no one-size-fits-all here, so be you

  • In what part of the world do you reside?
  • What do you work on?
  • What expertise do you have to share or what are you learning?
  • What would you like to get out of this Community?
  • What do you do for fun?

We can’t wait to read your answers and start connecting with you. I'll get us started below! 


Roderick G -

Google Cloud Community Team

5 11 3,081

Hi Roderick,

It’s great to see some movement from Google in this Community. For a moment I thought it was forgotten about or being replaced.

I’ve been living in or near Barcelona for the last three years. Right now I contract for a company called Simplr and studying to become GIS Analyst and cartographer in the future to focus more on geographical data. 

What I would like to get out of Community? To bring it back to former glory first, active moderation, splitting the Data Studio questions to its own place and drive engagement from other Looker users!

Fun? Hiking with GPS, gathering data and then analysing it, dancing salsa, and last but not least: playing pool & snooker..

Hello I’m heather looking forward to meeting you all and a long journey 

HI~ I'm sukjun.lee

I like looker~

  1. In what part of the world do you reside?  -> I live in Korea
  2. What do you work on? -> I'm Bigdata Project Manager
  3. What expertise do you have to share or what are you learning? -> I learn GCP and Looker
  4. What would you like to get out of this Community? -> I want to learn how to use Looker
  5. What do you do for fun? -> I like to ride a motorcycle

Hi~ there~

I reply politely as below. I'm a beginner in English. Please understand even if I'm clumsy.

In what part of the world do you reside?
- I live in Seoul, Korea
What do you work on?
- I'm PM of IT company.
What expertise do you have to share or what are you learning?
- I have worked in IT for 22 years and cloud PM for the last 5 years.
What would you like to get out of this Community?
I want to learn from each other if you have any questions about the Looker
What do you do for fun?
-I have a hobby of learning new fields and getting qualifications. Now I am learning Looker with fun.

Thank you~


Thanks for joining and sharing this with us @LEESUKJUN ! Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions. If you like to have fun while you learn, you might want to check out the Arcade - where you can participate in hands-on learning challenges, while earning some awesome prizes. 

Hello all the amazing people !!

I live in Mumbai (India) and have been working on different BI tools for the last 17 years.

Have worked in depth and long duration on Microstrategy and Tableau but also have decent experience on IBM Cognos, SAP BO, Qlik and Power BI . I work as a Google BI Modernization practice lead for an Indian IT service provider  TATA Consultancy Services (www.tcs.com). On learning about range of programmatic approaches to analytics with Looker that contrasts the current trend of "drag and drop" tools, I got hooked to Looker almost 3 years back and have been trying to bring out different use cases using Looker to create practice assets and customer discussions (mostly defending Looker against Tableau).

From this community I would like to come across innovative uses of different Looker capabilities and brainstorm on best practices.

I like singing and wish I was better at it, Love reading about the new technologies.



Hi Ashish Sir,

I have pinged you on tcs teams and need your advice

Hi @Sumitkumar905 - I have replied you in private message. Please check.

Hey Rod,

Thanks for starting this discussion thread!

My name is Ben Kalman. I live in the US, in Boulder, Colorado. Currently, I work on a dedicated data viz team at Merkle. Our main tools are Tableau and Power BI, but I have been working to build out our Looker capabilities. 

I plan to use this community to improve my skills in Looker and stay current on topics pertaining to the tool. 

In my spare time, I am usually outside or trying to keep up with my three year-old. 

Please feel free to connect on LinkedIn. 



Thanks for joining the community @benkalman!

Hello everyone,

My name is Jan Eduardo. I live in Brazil, in GoiΓ’nia, GoiΓ‘s. Until a while ago I was working with software development, but now I am the only one witch works with data analysis in my current job. So, I am in this community to learn more about Looker and get somo tips abou BI too. I like to read books and study some new fields in tecnology.