Getting Started with Chronicle SIEM: Your quickstart guide to risk management

In a time when cyberattacks are rapidly growing in both frequency and sophistication, organizations are focused on addressing potential threats in a smarter, faster, and more cost-effective manner. 

Chronicle SIEM is Google’s cloud-based security platform capable of ingesting massive amounts of data with built-in intelligence to quickly analyze and identify threat signals. 

In this video, Program Manager Nick Troutini, provides Chronicle SIEM users the information and resources you need to quickly gain cloud security confidence with Chronicle SIEM, stay up-to-date with the latest product updates, and find support when you need it. 

You can use the timestamp links to quickly navigate to topics in the video that you’re interested in learning more about: 

01:52 Where to find self-service support resources: documentation, events, and community

03:24 How to get help with your technical questions or issues: reaching the support team, using the support portal

04:46 What's included and how to access Chronicle documentation: how-to guides, product updates

06:02 The features and benefits of the SecOps Community: how to create a free account, ask questions, find answers, engage with peers and Googlers, and subscribe and stay up-to-date

09:37 Three simple next steps to get ahead on your cloud security and hit the ground running with Chronicle

  1. Ensure you have access to the Chronicle Support Portal and can create a ticket:
  2. Sign up and engage with the SecOps Community:
  3. Explore and get familiar with Chronicle documentation:


For easy access, here’s a quick link to all the resources mentioned in the video:

Chronicle Documentation:

SecOps Community:

Chronicle Support Portal:

Chronicle Release Notes:


We hope this helps you along your cloud security journey and making the most of Chronicle!


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Great video, Nick!

I'm going through the Chronicle training now and am excited to dive deep into the features. 


I would like to know that how can I start Chronicle training?

I am much excited to dive deep into the features of chronical and its other applications. 

Great video, Nick!

I'm going through the Chronicle training now and am excited to dive deep into the features.  i really like this vedio