How to Create a Ring Chart with Expense Percentages Based on Total Income?

Hi everyone,

I need some help with creating a ring chart. I want to display only the expenses data, but the percentages should be calculated based on the total income, not the total expenses.

Here's an example of my data:


How can I create a ring chart that correctly shows the "Personnel expenses" as 30.00% and "Rent" as 10.00% based on the total income of 100,000.00?



Link to my Sheet 

Thanks in advance for your help!



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In general Pie chart will automatically try to show structure of your data not the ratios, meaning it will sum everythhing and show each category as % of total. Meaning if you add total and expenses together yoou will have 140 k on pie chart  and thhis will not be a correct way of showing % of total income for eachh expense category. 

If you really want to stick to pie chart you shhould try to add third value which will show remaining value (100-30 -10) = 60 now if you show thhose three categories on a single pie chart and display as percentages it should correctly show the % structure of your data.

However, it is not a bullet proof solution and I would rather select other chart for this.
In my opinion stacked bar chart with positive incomes values and negative expenses values would be more clear.

Optionally You can do bar chart with total income being one value andd rest precalculated substracting theh values whhichh would offectively show the x % of an y total.

I hope I did not confuse you 🙂

Arkady Zadgan - Bigglo

Hi ArkadyZagdan,

Thank you for your detailed response! I followed your suggestion and created a bar chart to display the expenses as percentages relative to the total income. It looks much clearer now.

Here's what I have so far:


I would like to add data labels showing the percentage values directly on the bars (e.g., "30%" on Personnel expenses and "10%" on Rent). Could you please guide me on how to do this?

Thanks in advance for your help!




Change your data on the source to decimal and set metric settings on  Looker studio to be displayed as percentages