Displaying Average alongside Breakdown in Line Graph


Hi everyone!

Basically, I'm looking for a way to have this chart display these 2 breakdown variables while also displaying the average of the 2. Is there any way to do so? 

Thank you!

0 3 59

Sure why not. 
For this you will need to first compute this metric first (ideally in data source) and change chart to line chart shhowing 3 metrics 1,2 and third whihc is theh average.

Pretty sure you can also achieve it creating a calculated field sum(a+b)/2 but I am not heavy user of formulas and ususally do all computations in BigQuery.

Thank you for answering!

However, my data source is formatted like this: 


With NE Name as the breakdown dimension. 

I can't add another metric to the graph when I already have a breakdown dimension so I don't know how I can approach this

Consider pivoting your data with Query formula.