Button to launch a presentation

I'm using just the free (not pro) version on my chromebook. My reports are displayed with 2000x900 pix.
I would need to watch very often these reports on my Google pixel mobile.
I would like to watch these reports on my mobile directly in lanching the presention as a Google slides prez, Is it possible to add a "button" in a report to launch the presentation automatically ? If yes How ?

Thx for your help !


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Hi @PACAP, thank you for your post! You can try adding a Static navigation type button to your report, that has a link to your Slides presentation! The Add buttons documentation page provides an overview and instructions. I hope that is helpful!

Hi @Lobo-Google,

Thx for your reply !

My question was more specified on how to setup the link to be able to launch the prez from a button static navigation) as the button In the upper right (click More options/Click Present...)

Do u think it s possible ?

Many Thx


Got it! Unfortunately the Present option in that three-dot menu in the upper right (with the options to Refresh, Make a Copy, and Present) can't be changed to add a link to a slides presentation, but I can see how that would be helpful for your use case! 

If you could please file a feature request for our team, we would greatly appreciate it. Here are directions on how to do so: https://support.google.com/looker-studio/answer/7340016 

Hi @Lobo-Google ,

Hereafter my request, hope i've posted in the right place  : 


Many thx