Learn with Udacity and save 50% on Digital Leader certification exam

Take the Cloud Digital Leader Learning Path, offered for free at Udacity, and gain the real-world, hands-on experience you need to be a Cloud Digital Leader at your organization. The learning path consists of six free courses, each about 1-2 hours long, taught by the Google Cloud Training team. Graduates of all six courses will be offered a unique coupon code to save 50% on the certification exam offered by Google. You can find all six courses here, and begin your path to Cloud Digital Leadership today!


is there Udacity learning path for Google Associate Cloud Engineer exam? thanks

btw is this official Udacity account

Yes, this is the official Udacity account, owned by the Udacity team! And unfortunately at this time we don't have the Google Associate Cloud Engineer learning path, but we'll talk to our friends at Google about! 

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