I have a problem in Task 2. Set up a VPC network peering session

I followed the steps in this task but only network-a was created although I did the same steps in project B but network-b didn't appear in vpc network  when I tried to make peer-ba although a green check appeared for me that project B was successfully created and i didn't give up I created It using the navigation menu then I created peer-ba but peer-ab  and peer-ba stayed inactive this is what I did


  1. Switch to the second Cloud Shell and create a custom network:
gcloud compute networks create network-b --subnet-mode custom
  1. Create a subnet within this VPC and specify a region and IP range by running:
gcloud compute networks subnets create network-b-subnet --network network-b \
    --range --region europe-west4
  1. Create a VM instance:
gcloud compute instances create vm-b --zone europe-west4-c --network network-b --subnet network-b-subnet --machine-type e2-small
  1. Run the following to enable SSH and icmp, because you'll need a secure shell to communicate with VMs during connectivity testing:
gcloud compute firewall-rules create network-b-fw --network network-b --allow tcp:22,icmp


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Silver 3
Silver 3

I don't know if this is the issue, but did you switch between the two projects correctly?  You can do this at the top in the console, or using “gcloud config set project [PROJECT_ID]” in cloud shell.

You can see the current project using "gcloud config list", so you can verify that you are in the right project. (You need to do the peering from both projects, A and B)

View solution in original post


Silver 3
Silver 3

I don't know if this is the issue, but did you switch between the two projects correctly?  You can do this at the top in the console, or using “gcloud config set project [PROJECT_ID]” in cloud shell.

You can see the current project using "gcloud config list", so you can verify that you are in the right project. (You need to do the peering from both projects, A and B)

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