unexpected error in appsheet google map



We love Appsheet but in the last couple of weeks a lot of surprises have happened.  

We are working to develop an "AppSheet app for the people on the farm" to improve the relation with the technology and the new tools from google...   We know that they are not super intense in technology so our plan is to give more use to the cellphone than social networks... 

The app was built with data processes and clean using only Google tools My Maps, CSV, Big Query, and workaround  to finally end adding to Google sheet.  We want to make a simple and massive opportunity to understand and interact better with the land and all the data related... so we worked for one week interviewing the "jefes" the person in contact with the land, we Geolocated the zones, areas, Soil, irrigation, and more details... at the end of the week we complete the big achievement to connect an unpopular "name or number of a place"  with an image in the cell phone.  even they get sorpice.

The next step was to add the information so they can add, request, read, (in Big standard bottom... exactly what they like) and check the info inside his phone (not any more paper and pen, notebook or transcript info to a more more and more complex system)...

BUT....--> after my last post (added) something get absolutely unexpected... no more map or points... We try with our Google Cloud Map,  My map, version recovery... we don't lose hope, but get a little frustrated ... the last message we get is Ask the JavaScript console to get the technical details of the error... "JavaScript console"  we are using a no code app... ?

We are looking for a little bit of a constant star bright in the darkness... to help us to help others... 

if you experience something similar to the images, let us know please.






Screenshot 2024-06-26 11.07.15 AM.pngScreenshot 2024-06-26 10.03.14 AM.pngScreenshot 2024-06-26 11.08.52 AM.png20240626 - appsheet.jpg




past images.

Screenshot 2024-06-03 4.07.13 PM.pngScreenshot 2024-05-30 3.37.08 PM.pngScreenshot 2024-05-30 3.34.15 PM.pngScreenshot 2024-05-30 3.05.17 PM.png

past messagesScreenshot 2024-06-26 12.11.05 PM.png

My last post was:

‎05-30-2024 02:58 PM 
Hello Community,   @goannsplain  maybe AI can help us or @amyplin  maybe a better user-friendly experience or  @Arthur_Rallu  maybe fo a nice desktop UI and @Lauren_vdv  to have something to talk 😁...     A few days ago I worked on the development of Precision Agriculture. One of the great challenges is to be efficient, effective, proactive and executive in each decision-making. Problem: - In the map view (as shown in the image) a "WKT" column is selected where the Polygons are. - The My Maps URL (previously shared) is incorporated with "Geocoding enabled" - A second table and column is used to represent the Centroid Lat Long as additional information. Situation: Everything worked perfectly for about 30 minutes, after that the images of the polygons disappeared and never came back. Ask: What can I do to stabilize it and show the My Maps url and in turn the second table with the LatLong? All the best to all! Additional Information... I want to present a use case with Google tools. Background: - The base and tables are in Google Sheet - The georeferenced data was built in Google My Map and was shared with those who have the link. - The data was then processed in Bigquery and GeoViz (centroid, area, perimeter, etc.) Aim: - Use Appsheet as a means of information for frontline users regarding their areas, polygons, or sectors. Implementation: - In Google Sheet the information of the field and its related sheets are incorporated - The LatLong centroid column is used to display its area or polygon - From the map view you can access possible application forms, field or job information My Map Share with the polygons inside the Appsheet (a few days before) One View, but was impossible to have Satellite View in Card. Map View after polygons disappear              Google My Map   
    • Labels:
‎05-21-2024 02:21 AM 
I have tried almost everything to achieve the blessed polygons in appsheet (among many other things)... but you are right , in agriculture for example, it is essential, especially because the only de... See more...


Have you already created a support ticket? If so, I can try to look for the ticket and get back to you!

Thanks... yes

sweet can you let me know the email you used to submit the support ticket?

hi, @amyplin 

I don't know if I fix the problem or I found one,

(Today) In the integration I add "app Services" Google Map, I add the name and Access Key and save, I do similar in the app.  

Today (+/-) 3 hours later and after try almost everything (Google cloud console, documentation, monitor, ... and report a new problem (create a new one) (with all the detail) I delete the the "Google maps integration" and all my maps return to normal... not full normal (except for the polygons) but now I can see the Centroid (LatLong).

Why I add Google Map integration from Google Cloud: Basically because after use MyMap to show the polygons (that work for a couple of days, pictures attach) the app stop showing the polygons... my frustration with all the possible workarounds goes until the point to abandon the idea... but I never lost hope, so I believe in Google cloud Map, I create, use and add to AppSheet...  and all the frustration came back... 

But why don't you develop a WebApp, pwa?:  Basically because I believe in Google philosophy and products...  and of course in the Appsheet...  not because of the style, or the Big bottoms, or "easy" configuration process...  It's because I need to show the people in the farm the importance of Google Sheets and how they evolve simple and fast with Appsheet...  It's more evangeligence than other stuff... 

Why are the people on the farm?:  For generations they work the land and they live happily far away from almost all the city problems... but nobody stops for one second to teach technology and how to use it.... So now the most advanced technology they have is Microwave, fridge, TV, Music "very loud" and a cellPhone... sometimes the internet...  The kids know how to used all... but if they have more than 40 with luck the remote control and cellphone... but social media (I don't want to mention which ones) transforms the cellphone into a useless device of almost zero productivity... so i think, if they are not anymore scared of the cell phone... why not show what can they do with this... upgrade them to the technologic trends and make them part of the cultural evolution and transformation... 

I don't want to be tired or sleep with my concept but the south America farm is not close to what you can imagine... they deserve to be part. 

So, if you can help me to find a way to show the polygons in Appsheet with or without Google cloud I will really send you pictures of his faces.. 


Thanks a lot to all... 


Sorry my English ...

Can you give me your email and your app name so I can find the ticket and take a look at your app?