Using tcpdump and Wireshark for HTTP network traffic analysis on cloud console

New Member


I am developing an emebedded product using the NbIoT SIM7022 modem. I am using the HTTP protocol, specifically a GET request to prompt a server response. The response size varies in size from a few Kb up to 100's of Kbs. When the response size is small, there is no issue. However, with larger response sizes (> 100 Kb) the module often fails to receive all the data. I am in contant with simcom support as to why this happens. The support told me that based on the logs from the SIM7022, it seems the server stops sending data after a certain threshold (or timeout) and that I should check the server traffic to determine the cause of the issue (note, when testing the same endpoint from a browser on my PC, there is never an issue). 

I am having trouble identifying HTTP traffic using tcpdump run on the google cloud console. I run tcpdump on the console, save the output to a pcap file, which I download and analyze using Wireshark, but there is never any HTTP data in the log (it does not matter if I call the GET request from the SIM7022 or from a brower on a PC). 

How is it possible, that even when I receive a response to my GET request, the tcpdump does not produce any HTTP logs? I have an active load balancer, so this might be causing issues, but there should be a mention in the packets, containing the original source of data even from the load balancer. 

Is there a different way to anaylse traffic than this?


Note: The trace and log analyzer show that the HTTP response code is always 200, but I need to analyse the packets themselves to provide simcom support with additional information for debuggin the problem.

Regards, Jan

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