Access revoked

Without any change on my side I suddenly can no longer access my gcp project:

Troubleshooting info: Principal: Resource: ...-317323 Troubleshooting URL:;permissions=compute.instances.list;principal=...

This is for the only user that was ever authorized and I can no longer manage it, incl stop or stopping the VM. Do I need to pay for support to get this fixed ? Anyone had a similar issue ? This happened 1x before, went away and I was hoping it's a fluke but this is persisting for > 24h...

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Hello @nick10  ,Welcome on Google Cloud Community.

Did you've asked Project Owner or Org Admin about such situation? It's not likely possible, that Google itself revoked any permissions to your project. So i think that either someone who has such IAM permissions to manage accesses to project or organization did this. 

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