Setting up DUET AI right, I am lost if anyone has a simple technique for the following workflow

Hello Everyone,

I just signed up to Google Cloud. I need to see if there is something that really works. SO far nothing I have done wio with google cloud works, too much and too confusing.

The only thing i am trying to do is:

1. Load my code into VS Code, to Chat with DUET Ai- this does not work. I followed the documentation and signed in created the project and still notjhing

2. I use Copilot and Cody also they work just fine. I want to extend this with Google to see the integration to cloud and being able to quickly test and run some code in the cloud, but before running any VM, I want to see the quality of DUET AI

3. I already have my code from a long time ago, that I invested into and now i want to reuse it so I am not coding it I am chatting with it to see what i can extend and send to an engineer to finalize the ideas that I want.


1. Local folders -> VSCode, utilizing the plug in Duet AI

2. Duet AI -> Google Cloud after Chatting and seeing if there is a difference and if it is a more favorable workflow, instead of doing all local and having to wait for the system to finish the tasks.


Thanks for any help,


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Hey Javier -

Your question was helpful for me b/c it made me go thru my notes and find the links that I used for understanding the setup.

Guide Links

You want to turn on Cloud AI Companion API for your project and then make sure that your user name has the correct IAM privleges.