Support bi-directional, many-to-many relationships like Zoho & Airtable

Currently, AppSheet does a lot of things automatically when it detects that two tables have a relationship.  But if you want to maintain bi-directional, many-to-many relationships, you need to manually define a join table and do some other work to manage the synchronization of the join table.  In Zoho Creator, Airtable and other products, the join table is created and managed automatically and easily configured within a single field definition.

In AppSheet, the interface for enabling this could be quite easy to use.  When defining an ref-based enum or enumlist field, the user would simply indicate whether or not the relationship should be bi-directional.  

Note: I updated this today in the hopes of making it easier to understand.  

Status Open
2 2 136
Bronze 5
Bronze 5

To me, a one-to-one relationship, which AppSheet handles well, is something that is also easily done in a regular Google Sheet with Data Validation dropdowns. 

The very reason people need something a bit more powerful and start looking at tools like SmartSheet, BaseRow and Grist is because 9 times out 10 they soon need a one-to-many feature, a Person can be Member of many Projects... sort of thing.

I keep thinking it's my lack of understanding regarding AppSheet that this isn't "just happening" for me... but no, it's baked in. Come on AppSheet, go to the next level please! 


Silver 3
Silver 3

I find it frustrating to see important structural features like this lagging behind things like "give me color choices" for thumbs up!  This could save you hours of work!