Share/Copy text button - NEEDED



Dear AppSheet DEVS,


How hard can it be to add a copy text or a share text button ? The focus seems to be put on sofisticated features. It is good to see updates. But appsheet still lacks basics feature like this. 


Status Open
7 7 219
Bronze 2
Bronze 2

This was manual.

Silver 5
Silver 5
Silver 5
Silver 5

Precisely ! 

Silver 3
Silver 3

it is hard for them because it would of course decrease the need of automations in some specific cases, thus decreading their revenue.

Platinum 1
Platinum 1

Why do you say NEEDED?   What use case are you trying to solve that you can't do now?

I copy/paste text from within the apps all the time.  Maybe you are looking for an EASIER way to Copy/Paste instead of using the device side copy/paste functions?

Silver 5
Silver 5


There are numerals use cases, just look at this thread to get examples. I think this is needed because, a lot of people need this.

Personnaly, my users need to share a concatened list of values, containing several links, from a mobile app to an external SMS. 

If the text does not fit a window, selecting several rows on appsheet will not only select the row with the concatenation, but the entire view info > so they cannot do that.



New Member

A "Copy Text" or "Share Text" button would be a fantastic addition. While sophisticated features are great, adding these basic options would significantly enhance usability. It’s important to balance new features with foundational ones that improve everyday functionality.