Using highcharts to add label the name of the series

I'm trying to use the advanced config editor to add series labels to the chart. I have a pivoted dimension and want each line to have a label that is the value of the pivoted dimension. I found this example from the highcharts forum that shows basically exactly what I want to do ... ... but it doesn't work when I try to run in Looker. 

Does Looker not allow to use functions within Highcharts? What can and can't we do with highcharts? There's not really good documentation on this.

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Hi there -

There is a list of valid HighCharts JSON that the config editor accepts. From this I found that we can add annotations/captions to a chart using the annotations or chart attributes.

Let me know if this gets you what you need! 

Hi Amanda. That documentation link is helpful, but from what I can tell what I'm trying to do isn't possible. In that example you have to choose a specific point to set the label and explicitly define the label to be added. What I want to do is have a pivoted dimension for a line chart so that each pivot is it's own line, and then I want the dimension value to be the label for that line. So it would need to be dynamic, not manually set.

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