Looker Actions - Multi Select

With Looker actions, we have the ability to write back data within 1 row. Is it possible to have a checkbox with a multi select option?

Example - a user would want to update rows 1,3,8 and check them through a checkbox or something similar to update three values from ABC -> XYZ. I have been able to update 1 column/row, but am really looking for something more dynamic without creating a large amount of tiles.

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Hi @n_davis, thanks for your post! 

I'm not sure I completely understand what you're looking to do, but if you'd like for your users to be able to select values in a filter by checking check boxes, you can use the Checkboxes or Tag list filter control on user defined dashboards! You can choose to have as many or as few tiles as you would like. 

If that's not quite what you're looking for, please file a product idea or feature request within the Looker platform. Here are directions on how to do so!  https://www.googlecloudcommunity.com/gc/The-Kitchen-Table/Feature-Requests-How-your-feedback-makes-L...

@Lobo-Google This is not in regards to filtering. This has to do with looker actions in a table where you can writeback values to a database. I was looking to see if someone in the community had a way to complete this. I'm also wondering how the solution was automatically accepted?

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