AppSheet Office Hours: Updates and tips using the App Editor, Chat Apps, and AppSheet Databases

Published on ‎01-12-2023 03:25 PM by | Updated on ‎01-12-2023 03:28 PM

AppSheet Office Hours are back and we’re kicking off 2023 covering the latest updates and tips using the AppSheet App Editor, no-code Chat Apps, and AppSheet databases.

Join us on February 7th at 9AM PT to hear from our Product Managers and AppSheet experts as they cover:

  • Streamlining the app creation experience with AppSheet Editor usability improvements
  • Setting up a Chat App and how to use them to run automations with Chat
  • Importing Google Sheets into an AppSheet database along with other tips and tricks

As always, you’ll also have the opportunity to ask questions and receive answers live.

Save your spot by selecting the "Yes" button on the right, and ask your questions in advance by posting a comment below.

We hope to see you there!

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Tue, Feb 7, 2023 09:00 AM PST
Tue, Feb 7, 2023 10:00 AM PST
Bronze 1
Bronze 1

is it possible to have some detailed explanation for using the CHAT with appsheet ? I tried to look but couldn't find any detailed information

Silver 5
Silver 5

@Koichi_Tsuji wrote:

Thats why the gap between Platformer (Google) and Users (us) are getting wider as Google are leaving the users behind.



Gold 4
Gold 4

At last, I would say it was super difficult to find out this thread to post...

I m working in Asian time. So only posible to watch the archive.

However, the EVENT category is fildering to show the ongoing or upcming event.Currently none. But i noticed that I was filtering out the past event.

Then I was lucky to get rid of those filters.

Then the contents were listed up.

However, I could not find this post, as it was pushed to the very end.... even though this should be the most latest webiners.  Asc/Dec config should be opposite on this one....... Painful.

After all, I would say gently that I learned NIL out of this webiner (watching archive) at the end. I m sorry, I m not harting anyone in Google, but this is out of my pure opinions.

nigh nigh everyone here in this community, I will zip my mouse again.  Probably my posts will be possibly deleted by google, but it is fine.

I can understand your feelings @Koichi_Tsuji . You have witnessed how AppSheet have evolved. Right now no one in google have the authority or correct representative who can represent and address the concerns of Users/Developers in this community. It is very sad to witness. Not just now. Its been happening all over the Community and AppSheet for past couple of months. 

Thanks for your comments.


I know the history of AppShee for the last 5-6 years, even though I m not employed.

However the recent situation like such as seminor, suppor quality are major concerns of mine.

It is their fault (Google) but they may kill the services, as they could not get support largely. 

It is happening across the broarch with Google services.  I simply m afraid it will be the case for the future of Appsheet. 

Im happy with turning up with webiner as a guest to tell stories. Bu i ve never inviated. Probaly I m speaking too much loud. But again I never mind. Leave things to google in terms of how to direct us. 

If they could not get the support from usres,. naturally killed by Google, stuffs should happen. Why? Google does  not knows the their own platform. Again, this thresd should be deleted.


Before Google, AppSheet hosted webinar. It was exciting. People asked questions whi are answered straightaway.

The nightmere (possibly all the Google services userrs are afraid) are when they immediately to kill their services including AppSheet.

Recent case is like this.

Dear Administrator,

We’re writing to remind you that as we announced in February 2022, Currents will no longer be available starting July 5, 2023. As part of this, data from Currents will be deleted.

What does this mean for my organization?

Since your organization did not opt into the migration, your data will not be migrated from Currents to Spaces. You may continue using Currents until the product shutdown begins on July 5, 2023.

What do I need to do?

If you’d like to preserve your organization’s Currents and Google+ data, export it from the Admin console before July 5, 2023. Otherwise, it will be deleted.

We’re here to help

If you have questions or need assistance, please review the change management guide for more information.

Thanks for choosing Google Workspace.

– The Google Workspace Team

Im not Google personnel, so it is impossible to answer to he question.

All the people knows, Google acquires new services. Then at the end, they kill.

Then from  our customer, they ask question if or not if is a case with AppSheet?


We zip our mouse, as we understand their concerns, and we are no platformer.

The problem with us ..... They ask if or not the case is now with AppSheet? But we are no right peson to answer to the question.

However, veiwing the community as well as webinar today, i havve incresed concerns that it will be a case.

As Google not listening to our volice.

Then as a result, their services are not supported (due to their own failure)., then, Goolgle ritch management kill the services at the e nd. Again KILLED BY GOOOGLE will hapen. 

I hope this day doesn’t come.

I m happy Google mediator to delete my thead.  Im happy with it. But the reason why I posted such a strong messages is to ask them to review their process.

Service desk + hopelesss.

Webinar + No excitement 

I just wish probably I m not right.

I don't think your thread would be deleted Koichi. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.

Gold 4
Gold 4

I just watched archive.

This is out of my honest opinions (as usual).

In general, it was missing that the explanations over "what sort benefit and game changing stuffs will be brought by the listed new features" has been missing, so I suppose all the watchers could not share the core of this webinar.  Probably the majority of the watchers could not catch up with.

1. New editors layout

     Currently, the new layout is presented to some users by default, while it is preview mode, which is causing massive problems with us daily. Especially for those who are getting onboard first time with appsheet, they are on the free plan. They are forced to use the new layout. But the resources they rely on is the video or youtube or our privaet contents which are all filed with legacy layout. Then this cause the confusion to those who get in touch with appsheet. Pity.

The new onboard members are probably giving up with AppSheet, as they are at a loss due to the difference what they see and what they see on the tutorial resources.

I have requested 1000 times not to present the new layout to users by default, as it is just causing the massive confusions.

But it is happening here and there.

Please please keep the legacy editor as default editors. I know the new editors still carries bunch of bugs.... Then why such a buggy layout is presented to the users? Google want to let the users to bite the poisonous apple?

2. Chat app.

Im  not tested with my hands. But still not sure what it the benefit by using it ?

Thinking of the end users prospectives, I m not sure if or not they do understand what the chat app is going to be? I m sure 100% the average app users will not know / transactions.....It is kinda of coders operation on the services.]

On the demonstaration, it is said "Request for approval".  But Google probably missing and do not understand the reality.

Lets assume we made an approval apps. Where we request an approval for a particular approvers. Yes, we can do it now with Automatoin by sending "Private" email to appropers using BOT, such as Dynamic Email.

However, how can we achive the same workflow with Chat app?  As far as I know (probably I m missing the important points with new features) , we can only add the chat app as SPACES.   In case I want to send a request for approval to A person, the chatbot will send such a request to CHATBOT. It is meanig that ANYONE who are not approvers , but just added a chatbot could approve the request even though they are not assumed to be approvers to such a request.

Im not also tested further, but once I initially tested the chatapp., ANYONE who are on the domain could acccess to such chatbot. while they are not on the list of the app users. Security breach.

The most importantly, I could not come up with any ideas why this new featurs will make the app creators. users daily work flow easy?

Thats why I decided I will not even test it further.  Unless, I see we could send the private chat to the desigated app users to their Google Chat, I could not find any much of the benefit with it. SO I will not recommend to anyone to use it.

The process to create ONE chat bot is still painful.

The average App creator probably could not catch up with. So the result is NOBODY will use is sadly in the future.


3. AppSheet Database

The same as bullet 1 and 2 items.  I could not get why we are encouraged to use the new database?  What is the benefit?  

Daily, I m dealing with new appsheet users.  Even with Google Sheetes as data source for appsheet,  new users are struggling.   Then AppSheet database is SAID to be solving such a problem. However, my opinioin is opposite, just adding new pain. Yes, new config is required. But I m 100% sure it is difficult for new users to do it rightly, as they need to configulate on both Appsheet and Database. Duplicate jobs. Then It will cause another new confutions to such users.

Even after they could manage to set up with new database in right way , then the slower sync rather than Sheet. Smaller scales to store data. Bunch of limiation compared with usual data sources. Then, what is going to be the benefit using it? It was missing during demo.

To end this thread, I just read the Event thread.  No active quetions are posted. Not  related quetions to the event are posted. No answers back from Google, while they are saying that users should post the question about appsheet but no answer. This is the worst way to opearate the community. The organizer encourage the users, but not meeting with the users expectation.

I m seriousl;y concerning how this community is going and how the webnarr is organized........  In general, missing the way to address the points what the users are expecting...  Thats why the gap between Platformer (Google) and Users (us) are getting wider as Google are leaving the users behind.




Hey there, there's a lot to process on your response. But allow me to share some thoughts.


1. You are correct, there's always a painful moment where the docs and some of the materials out there become out of sync with the product being updated. This is unfortunately a problem with all software, not all content created is owned by us and there's a lot of content to update, bit by bit it will get updated and with partners like you Koichi, this is also why we launch these features in Preview so there's a time between the preview timeframe and general availability to update materials you deem necessary to update.

2. Thank you for your opinion Koichi. Maybe I consumed Rachel's presentation differently but it starts with Why chat apps make sense. This is how I processed the presentation. The idea of supporting chat apps is for application creators to have more surfaces where their users can interact with their apps. The idea is to keep users where they can be more productive. Some users may not need chat apps, some users will primarily use chat apps. So it's all about making the platform available where users are.

3. Thank you for this feedback as well! There are benefits in performance with AppSheet DB and also in terms of data modeling, most users don't have access to a true data base builder and this solution can facilitate apps with better data management that don't rely exclusively on sheets. 


Finally, on the questions. Maybe I saw a different thing Koichi but I see the team answering questions posted in chat and also pre-submitted questions. Over 2300 people have watched the video and at least 12 minutes of the 1 hour video was dedicated to questions. 


Is maybe your idea a more open Q&A session like we used to do years ago? I don't know if there's only one way to do these or if we can only do one type of office hours sessions, but I do see questions being asked and answered. 


I just deliver my own frastrations through my previous thread. No intenttion to dicuss with anyone, including you.  

The recent Google services over Appsheet is nightmere, that is true.

You believe it or not, I dont care. But if you do not, then the end of Appsheet/Google is getting closer to us.

Chat app. Probably nobody will use it. You say SOME will use it. Then my question will be WHO.  

IF you rightly answer to this question, then it is obvious that Google is just focus on the selected (enterprise) customers alone while G will leave other 99 percent cutomers alone and behind, but it is not a problem new chat app will have any use cases, like other features, scanning inv,  other intelligent features....

Please dont respond to this thread, as i m not happy to contine to talk for dialogues which will not provide any solution.

"Google will say we are on the right track, the customer is supporting us! " even after hearing the claims from us..... 

silly, then the only option we have is to zip our mouth. There is nobody to listen our voice locally and globally, as Google is always priorititzing owns, rather than listenig to the cutomer voices. 

In terms of looking back the history, this is the problem all the KILLED BY GOOGLE is coming.

I sincerely hope this is not a case with AppSheet.

Bronze 2
Bronze 2

Can I get the new version of the UI? I still don't have

Me too! My coworkers got it but I didn't

Bronze 1
Bronze 1

Will the database add a feature to import data from Google Sheet? Like for updating a information in batchs ? 
and just to confirm, all plans will have the Database feature, right?