Embedding looker studio report with parameters

Hi All,

I am trying to embed a looker studio report in my web application with a couple of URL params, everything is working fine but when I click this 'Looker studio' watermark, the URL is opening in next tab without params. I want the watermark url to have the same url params as my iframe src.

Iframe src: https://lookerstudio.google.com/embed/reporting/REPORT_ID/page/PAGE_ID?params=${encodedParams}

Watermark url: https://lookerstudio.google.com/reporting/REPORT_ID/page/PAGE_ID

Can anyone explain why the url doesn't have params and if there is any workaround to update url to have the params

Screenshot 2024-07-10 at 12.36.40 PM.png


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Hi there, that is a great idea for a future improvement for Studio. Please file a feature request for our team. Here are directions on how to do so: https://support.google.com/looker-studio/answer/7340016?hl=en