Embedded Dashboards Pricing Model

We use Looker as a way of sharing interesting data with our online community. We do this by embedding dashboards on our website that we've built in Looker. 

Everyone who accesses a (pre-built) dashboard on our website does so using Looker's API/SSO through a single Looker account/seat. Essentially, everyone is being authenticated to view the dashboard as the same 'person'. They're not actually 'using' Looker at all, they're just viewing a dashboard.

Looker is now telling us that we have to pay for every single person who views an embedded dashboard on our site, even though they're just site visitors from our community. 

Does anybody else use Looker this way, and have you had issues with Looker trying to squeeze more money out of you?

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Hi, did you get a solution for this issue?